Reviews for What Do You Want? |
xbox432 chapter 6 . 10/8/2017 Hmm, now I'm wondering if it'll be Ranma that puts the Principle and Himura in their place or if Nabiki will get... irritated at their infringing upon her territory? I wonder if she has a camera in the Principles office to collect blackmail? Cause man do those two need charges pressed against them. Hmm, interesting fight between Kuno and Ryoga. Curious to see how Kuno got that power up and just what the outcome will be between Ranma and Ryoga, will they be able to make peace? Overall I just can't wait to see what you have planned next for this. |
DominWright chapter 6 . 10/8/2017 the best way to deal with Himura that I can see from what information you've given so far, is to beat her in the competition then as a bonus revenge Instant Drowned Boy Spring Water. Ranma would never go for the permanent version except maybe a much more extreme case of vengeance. then if you want to go further use pressure points to make her movements stiff and destroy her Volleyball career. the Ultimate Weakness Moxibustion Point would be too extreme because she's a girl and needs to defend herself. |
KrisB-71854 chapter 6 . 10/8/2017 I'm more surprised that Himura is an utter fool that should start running now. Nabiki won't leave much left of her. Himura will be hoping to be reborn into a better life after Nabiki is done with her. The Principal, I can see doing it to annoy Ranma. I don't really see what photos she might have that would even somewhat concern Ranma. Everyone in the school knows about him and at best he has gender issues. Um, Ranma and Nabiki don't really care about the Tendo dojo or working there in the future. Himura's threats aren't that much. Really whats annoying is with Nabiki's aid or at his side, it would likely not have been a big deal. It was too soon for him to be dropped into something like this. I'm sort of mixed on things. Ranma has started to find love. He has made the first steps forward. Nabiki has her secret claim on him, but hasn't made that public yet. She's actually worried about being killed. They've not even started fixing his life, and it gets worse with Himura and the Principals crap. It would be much better for Ranma to play ninja and remove any and all traces of him being registered at that school. Then him going off and being home schooled or something. I'm mixed because Ranma's life hasn't improved really. If anything, you could say that he has made some steps back. Nabiki has turned his hormones on. We can only hope that they only react for her or bad things might happen when all the other girls show up. Ranma needs a rock/anchor in his life. The one bit that I find amusing was his inability to teach Nabiki due to be too turned on. If anything, that should have made her rather pleased. He doesn't react for anyone else. He can't even look at her though without having issues. In some respects, the volleyball team girls will be good for him. Ranma will have nonmartial artists friends to play with and have dialog and all that. It seems for as much progress that he makes having any somewhat personal improvements, his life just gets worse. On the Sci-Fusion, what are your base settings or ideas? Are you talking future scifi tropes mainly planet bound, spaceship fic, full-blown space opera, or what? Are you thinking power armor, mechs, veritechs, or bolos? How transhuman are you thinking? There is everything from Ghost in the Shell, Battle Angel Alita to Blame! Scifi can cover damn near anything including all of fantasy. |
Zekuran chapter 6 . 10/8/2017 So, I'm going to enjoy it when Nabiki destroys her |
Hishin Trueflame chapter 6 . 10/8/2017 I'm enjoying the new "villain" she feels to me like someone who could have fit right in with the canon manga and be a arc villain, if that's what you're trying to do then you did it well. Just as long as the rest of the entire story doesn't focus on the volleyball thing or something. |
Uchiha Rai chapter 6 . 10/8/2017 I am really going to enjoy it when himura gets what's coming to her. |
RDavidson chapter 6 . 10/8/2017 God, I'm loving this. Nabiki is being great, Ranma is being proactive (but not proactive enough), Kuno is unpredictable... It's fantastic. |
Rusty Thebanite chapter 6 . 10/7/2017 "Stop being adorable!" I have to agree with Nabiki on this one. I also have to insist we say it to her just as much as we say it to Ranma. On the other hand, some genuinely bleak drama going on here with Himura, Kuno and the Principal. That's something even Rumiko didn't exactly do well. It made me very uncomfortable, so clearly you're doing something right. |
Mr. Haziq chapter 6 . 10/7/2017 Well, I can honestly say I have a good guess what'll happen next considering the accident of the last chapter... |
Drac-frst chapter 6 . 10/7/2017 Glad to see someone interested in the old Ranma fanbase has gotten their mojo back! That said, does Himura not realize that Ranma could easily paste her? He or any of the comically over-powered people he lives/fights with could easily kill her or put her in traction. If I was him and in a particularly vindictive mood I would probably leverage Genma with the threat of Himura making him appear "unmanly" to Nodoko. Get Genma to "take care of her" on his own with his own brand of amorality. Ranma's honor would remain, he'd just be making use of his father's complete lack of it. Of course I don't think Ranma really understands his father that well, or is that clever. But Nabiki on the other hand might come up with something like that, or something different on her own. I can see you're using this as a lever for character development and to pull in new content though, so I doubt that'll happen. But I can dream. |
Yasha-HebiHime chapter 6 . 10/7/2017 Whoa, did not expect another chapter so soon and I'm glad to see it! A lot of stuff happening here with Kuno becoming an actual threat, becoming a noble guardian, and Ryouga getting smashed. I'd say he's a bit tankier than that, but Kuno always has had a weirdly strong attack range. Just not much endurance. Kinda makes them a triangle in a way; with Ranma being the fast one, Ryoga being the tank, and Kuno being the all out attacker. Mousse is kinda the mixture of all three, though he relies more on tools than the others. Interested to see how the relationship with Ryouga grows, though. With Ranma's female half acting nicer to him, and her new attire in school, I could see him trying to get 'her' to stay like that. He's fallen for Ranma's fake personas multiple times, after all. Glad to see I was correct about the whole Rin and Himura thing, though I'm surprised Himura turned out to be so scary. Definitely up that Principal's alley, though. He'd twist anything to mess with Ranma at this point, though some argue he was doing that for the reason of wanting to teach the students how to stand up to anyone in society, with Ranma being the main focus since Ranma is, as expected, the center of the school as well. Although I guess yours hasn't actually broke that idea at all with the acceptance of Ranma's team for the Volleyball match and even his requirement of Ranma. Could be easily taken as a psycho-way to teach Ranma to accept his female half even more. Anyways! Really looking forward to more, especially how Ranma gets back and them with Nabiki; which is another matter. Nabiki's admission of love kinda felt like it came out of left field since she was trying to suppress that "Mine" thought quite a bit and hadn't quite had a moment to work herself through that, but I'm glad they didn't sit around struggling with each other for several chapters at the same time. Meh? Can't wait for more! Happy writing! ~Yasha-HebiHime |
Klimmatt chapter 6 . 10/7/2017 This certainly took an interesting turn. It'll be interesting to see what Ranma and Nabiki can even do about this now that the principal is involved. |
marlastiano chapter 6 . 10/7/2017 Good work and poor Ranma :) |
Coffee chapter 5 . 10/3/2017 I hadn't noticed this before but in the summary; "Maybe a weekend or 'normalcy' away from the craziness will help?" shouldn't that 'or' actually be 'of'? Oh and thanks for the great chapter. |
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 10/2/2017 Excellent chapter |