Reviews for The Stirring
hi chapter 42 . 9/9
come back :(
Guest chapter 42 . 8/24
I don't want to be annoying or demand something from someone who doesn't owe me anything, but I swear I'm going to kill myself
Guest chapter 42 . 8/21
I know we've talked about other fanfics to read during the wait, but does anyone have any book recommendations with a similar vibe?
Guest chapter 42 . 8/21
don’t leave us yearning like this!
sonderful chapter 42 . 8/20
Laura: Support group is still here! And we've colonized a part of Reddit, if you want to join it's r/TheStirringFF! And like everyone else here, we're going feral (( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡)) waiting for the next update!

Truly, I think, some of the stories best features and exponentially amplified bc we (Nilsia included) genuinely enjoy the discussions surrounding chapters and like to hear each others thoughts. We've made a lovely book club over The Stirring and enjoy the spectacular characterization as well as the nuances of the plot
Laura S chapter 42 . 8/19
I'm actually dying for an upgrade.
I don't know if the support group girls are still alive around here, but if they are, I hope to share thoughts again when this continues, I've missed them too.
Guest chapter 42 . 8/18
Nilsia pleeeeeease
Guest chapter 42 . 8/14
Please please please please please
Guest chapter 42 . 8/13
Is this torture
Guest chapter 42 . 8/11
can we get a treat in this sad, gloomy sunday evening… please…
ok, I’ll stop.
*heart emoji*
Quarantine Blues chapter 42 . 8/9
Nilsia is BACK! *hyperventilates*
a hhhhh sorry chapter 42 . 8/9
oh don't mind me... i'm just checking for something. i just happened to be in the neighborhood, and decided to stop by...i'll be on my guess...what was that? email notif?'s just spam... well i guess i'll see you later. no pressure...
floop chapter 42 . 8/5
not to be completely unhinged but I finished my essay and I would like my treat now please

(very excited about the update THANK YOU IN ADVANCE)
Guest chapter 42 . 8/3
At least I feel justified for checking for an update every day now
Guest chapter 42 . 7/29
I'm so excited you're back, Nilsia! I'm glad you're well and I can't wait for your next chapter!
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