Reviews for Savior
W. L. O'Fallon chapter 26 . 8/16/2024
Loved it
BeyondRubies chapter 22 . 6/29/2024
Hold up- DRACO is held to bring the bad guy and we’re glossing over Hermione’s emotional affair? That’s not cool AT ALL. They’re making a much bigger deal out of a smaller mole hill. I have truly loved the story to this point. Her affair out of nowhere is honestly gross, though.
Aurlia chapter 26 . 10/5/2023
Fantastic story! I love the way the characters are written. You are truly talented!
Guest chapter 12 . 8/3/2023
How come Hermione can apparate if she is not 17 yet?
Jimbocous chapter 26 . 4/24/2023
Thanks for a great read.
Nelli Natisha chapter 20 . 3/15/2023
Leeta you lovely elf. She deserves all the good things in life
Nelli Natisha chapter 18 . 3/15/2023
While Im glad Julius gone, I really do appreciate him offing Dolohov. He wasnt a good dad at all, but he did care about his kids and his wife. I can appreciate that
Nelli Natisha chapter 18 . 3/15/2023
Nelli Natisha chapter 17 . 3/15/2023
Holy shit... Harry... Wow...This voldy is insane yes but you gotta admit thats effective af cause he said screw the dramatics. WOW
Nelli Natisha chapter 11 . 3/15/2023
Ginny may be becoming less of a probem. Im glad cause i generally like her character and would dislike if she became a villain
Nelli Natisha chapter 11 . 3/15/2023
Im so so happy for Neville
Nelli Natisha chapter 2 . 3/14/2023
Nott is a shit dad but he cares about his own. I like that he pulled a mafia move on Dolohov
Nelli Natisha chapter 1 . 3/14/2023
I love that Hermione came out the rip with negotiations and rules to her "fatheri know in this universe thats her blood dad but he wasnt there and honestly wouldnt have came if it wasnt for Voldy comin back so. thata why the quotation marks). Thats not that OOC for her so Im LOVING it so far.
slytherinheiress.21 chapter 23 . 2/27/2023
not gonna lie, when Hermione said "if ypu were a basilisk, we'd have problems," I thought she'd say "coz you wont fit" AHAHAHA

this is your fault! you made hermione very cheeky to the point of me thinking that all her quips would be innuendos! XD

Kidding aside, just wanna say Im thoroughly enjoying this fic!
slytherinheiress.21 chapter 23 . 2/27/2023
not gonna lie, when Hermione said "if ypu were a basilisk, we'd have problems," I thought she'd say "coz you wont fit" AHAHAHA

this is your fault! you made hermione very cheeky to the point of me thinking that all her quips would be innuendos! XD

Kidding aside, just wanna say Im thoroughly enjoying this fic!
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