Reviews for The 101 Guide To Writing the Ultimate Fanfiction |
deadal chapter 3 . 1/24/2017 still as fun, but you have only 2 step left and i don't think you have covered half the worst cliche... will step 5 be "stop writing ad meditate on your life"? btw, to show how free and wild harry is, this kind of author usually get him some inks... do you know why the holy list is never part of the tattoo? |
hojosatoko chapter 3 . 1/24/2017 You also absolutely have to make Goblins Harry's bitches that suddenly kidnap him and tell him that he's literally a wizarding messiah. He has to be an heir of all families that are in any way mentioned in HP universe. Also you have to invent The Most Pureblood Family of magical unicorns, and make Lily Evans its heir. Because what's better then Harry vindicating all principles of pureblood movement. |
DragonsinWrath chapter 3 . 1/24/2017 Are you doing something new with your fanfictions? This is way better than Harry Potter and The Game. |
Gravitonne chapter 3 . 1/24/2017 Thank you for this, God knows if I saw another clichéd shopping spree immediately preceded/ followed by "Aw, me little abused snookiewookums, Aw" Goblins. I'd probably delete my account. This needed to be said, Originality is the bare bones of something as intensely creative as literature. Doubly so here, since we borrow most of it from established authors. It is imperative that we do the rest with the vivifying wonder of imagination. Another thing that irks me, the hate on Dumbledore. They expect him to be omniscient yet fail to realise that training a ten year old, magically average child and sending him to contend with the Dark Lord in open combat is sending him to his death with a fat lesser chance of survival than what the canon Dumbledore gave Harry. They use the fact that he's old and a school headmaster to demean him. When he could've just chosen to walk away and leave everyone to their fates. Your narrative in "The Game" fic isn't completely consistent either, but it's an amazing read. And doesn't make me want to take frustrated fists to my hair. |
Drakonian Rogue chapter 2 . 1/24/2017 And the sad part is how disturbingly accurate this is. |
deadal chapter 1 . 1/24/2017 Well, canon-HP is quite emo at time (most 15 years old teenagers are)... and a rise to strength and power is even more impressive the lower you start from. what is step 2? the revelation? harry discover he is the heir of Merlin, Atlantis and Midas, he have 10 000 brethoral contract 1000year old that cannot last more than 2 month? And everyone is either betraying him or waiting for him to become the beloved overlord they always have waited for? Step 3, the STONGHOLD! harry find, buy or build a castle, a tower, a magic chest or a warded cave to live in. He meet his 1st chief minion and begin to train them. Being the hero, he barely need 2 weeks to become a archmage, warlock, dark lord, overlord, etc! Step4, the rebel alliance: Harry, his brethored, sex slaves, servant and various minions recontact the society. They are cool, powerful and all-knowing. The Bad Guys are mean, overconfident and stupid. The betrayers are mean, surprised and stupids. Everyone else is clueless, sheep and stupid. Much bashing on whoever the author does not like. Step 5, WAR! the bad guys and the betrayers are running after some over-complicated schemes and the good guy manage to defeat them at every step with no causualty except some manly scar to show they are tough! the public discover harry and his minions are the good buy and rush to kneel to them! Dumbledore tells harry's parents would be disappointed / proud of him (depend if he is minion or betrayer). Voldemort tells there is good or evil, only power and those too afraid to size it. Harry answer by a DaiKamehameha / Dragon Slave / Orbital strike or other equivalents. Epilogue: |
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24/2017 I was expecting more |
Marvinen chapter 1 . 1/24/2017 Interesting concept. A little light on actual content. The ending is a bit abrupt, too. It's also a bit meta to my tastes. But otherwise it's rock solid fanfic, as I've learned to expect from Concept101. Thanks for sharing this, man! |
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24/2017 I have a confession. I was rectum-ravaged by Vernon too. |
Zentari2238 chapter 1 . 1/24/2017 It's painful how accurate this is. |