Reviews for The Swallow and the Dragon
Alucard-hellsing12 chapter 30 . 6/9/2021
The story is pretty mediocre and alright to read if you want to disengage brain and waste an hour or two of time reading. The Kingdom building stuff is entertaining to read and it’s an easy bit of entertainment reading about Harry using magic to build cities and slowly conquer the Northern Kingdoms.

However, Harry is such a fucking bitch it disgusts me. He is such a simp for Ciri it’s tragic the man literally lived for hundreds of years and abstained from relationships while being surrounded by women interested in him just to save himself for Ciri. He even has visions of Ciri getting close to other men during her travels but just watches on like some sort of cuck. Sure Ciri gave him the spark back in his life to fight and beat Voldemort but literally centuries nearly millennia has passed since she left his ass but he follows her around like some sort of lost puppy in the shadows watching her like some sort of cuckhold. It ruined Harry’s character completely. Not even going to mention the fact you made him a god practically and he still gets beaten by random unpowered people, other reviews have touched on that.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/29/2021
This is just a collection of terrible fanfiction tropes huh?
Guest chapter 30 . 5/29/2021
This story was good until you brough ciri back, harry went from a powerful confident wizard to a beta cuck and ciri went from a confident stong woman to a abusive cunt. The fact that you and many reviews found no problem with this type of relationship makes me increadibly sad.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/27/2021
how fucking stupid do you think a hundred plus year old wizard would be to get hit in the back of the head by a piss ant. dumb fuck
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26/2021
The "Elixir of Life" seems like it would be better left out. It stretched my suspension of disbelief and there never really was an adequate payoff later in the story.
Guest chapter 30 . 5/26/2021
I enjoyed reading the story. Thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 30 . 5/26/2021
This story was perfectly lovely
EJHowell chapter 30 . 5/20/2021
Mate,this story was absolutely brilliant start to finish, even the slower bits were entertaining and evrything was seasonal enough to follow for me who's only experience with the witcher is the Netflix show and the witcher 3.

Grammar and spelling were perfect in most places there was the occasional slip up but it never detracted from the story and overall you just did an amazing job.

Easily one of my favourite fics on the site and probably the best crossover fic I've read period. Words can't describe how good of a job you did with this. i hope anything else you try to write is successful and that everything goes well for you.
Luxo11 chapter 11 . 5/18/2021
I need to vent more because this has truly pissed me off. If you made him this strong to begin with there would be no problem but you only need him when it’s convenient for you so I hope you fix this or never write again
Luxo11 chapter 11 . 5/18/2021
Stupid again. I kept reading hoping it would get better but it didn’t. Earlier you had him be able to take on higher beings and now he is about to piss himself in front of a high vampire. Author you are truly aggravating.
Luxo11 chapter 8 . 5/18/2021
Stupid as fuck. Harry should have never got kidnapped you’re just trying to force plot points. Pathetic
Li-Ion78 chapter 6 . 5/4/2021
nice end
Bleucasey chapter 5 . 5/2/2021
Well Yen prepaid to be astounded by my knowledge of obscure magical people
IcarianVerse chapter 30 . 4/19/2021
This has been entertaining to read from start to finish. Well done.
randyterros chapter 30 . 4/3/2021
Excelente historia realmente me encanto cada momento de lectura, muchísimas gracias por escribirla.
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