Reviews for For a Thousand Years
joan.goldman.9 chapter 74 . 10/21/2021
Congrats to Kate and Elliot on getting pregnant again.

Will Ana get her little girl?

Teddy strides and his accomplishments are all inspiring
joan.goldman.9 chapter 73 . 10/21/2021
Thank you for the story and you are incredible.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 72 . 10/21/2021
Ray and Carla are reconciling after all these years. WOW

Kate and Elliot finally got married. :)

Even I got a chill when Teddy told Ana, "I love you!" Teddy is doing fantastic!
joan.goldman.9 chapter 71 . 10/21/2021
WOOHOO Kate said yes to Elliot proposal.

Grace and Carrick are adopting Jessie, Patty's daughter. Kate is still coming to terms with everything and who can blame her. Teddy is responding to Jessie and likes playing with her. Teddy is really progressing
joan.goldman.9 chapter 70 . 10/21/2021
Mia is back and I'm sure everyone is happy about that.

Ana isn't going back to work at Son-Rise with Grace. She decided to be a stay at home mom with Teddy and Chris.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 69 . 10/20/2021
Mia is really involved now with her biological family now that she found them thanks Christian. How involved is she going to be with them and what Grace and Carrick? I know she said she would come back but for how long? How do Grace and Carrick feel about all this? Probably the same as Christian and Elliot?

Ana went through hell with Derek, thank goodness she got out of that marriage. Sound like Ana has a bit of postpartum depression? Hopefully telling Flynn everything and getting out in the open and off her chest she can push it out and let it go. I do like the doll idea. :)

Kate and Elliot are getting along and he even moved in with her. He needs to tell her he loves her.

YES, I'm interested in reading Version Two.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 68 . 10/18/2021
Patty is dead from the accident and Elliot is petitioning to watch over her daughter until they can find someone to adopt her because her biological family wants nothing to do with the poor girl. What will Kate think of that one?

Kate is nursing her whiplash from the accident and is on extended leave at the moment.

Christian told Elliot about Jack Hyde and that he is now gone but they can't tell Carrick because of his heart condition.

How is Teddy coping with his new brother? What is wrong that Ana called Christian sobbing besides him working too much?
joan.goldman.9 chapter 67 . 10/18/2021
Ana and Christian had their baby and they named him Christian but will be calling him Chris.

Patty cornered Elliot at the hospital and told Elliot she was pregnant and that it was his baby. Patty also told Kate after she had be stalking her. Now Kate and Patty are speeding on the expressway. What is going to happen with them? Kate is past annoyed with Elliot and wants an explanation.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 66 . 10/18/2021
Kate is really worried about getting too close to Elliot but I think she already has. I wonder if she will talk to Elliot about her feelings regarding her job?
joan.goldman.9 chapter 65 . 10/18/2021
Susanne is a bitch and Mia is right but thank goodness Ethan is nothing like his sister.

Wow Teddy is really going to town talking and then calling Christian 'daddy' that was so sweet.

Teddy is going to be one busy boy with swimming and the surf dog besides his regular schedule. Although Ana is trying to curtail a bit his schedule to allow for the other extra curricular's.
Guest chapter 69 . 3/10/2021
I hate how Mia makes her family feels, if she is so gang ho on being with her new family, they why not just return the money the Grey gave her to use. why not stop using the Greys money. She is such a bitch.
chillyadams chapter 75 . 3/1/2021
I have just read this book for a second time! It’s amazing! Heartwarming and well written! I would love another epilogue, see Teddy as a teen or young adult with a younger brother and a sister! Thank you for writing this! Reading a good story is like watching a good movie and I’m sure I will read this again much like I know Dirty Dancing will be on my watch list for the 100th time! Much love, Chilly
marigold123 chapter 75 . 1/16/2021
I’ve enjoyed reading your story and bringing to light the struggles and joys of raising an autistic child. Thank you for writing.
Mrs. Spears chapter 63 . 12/6/2020
Mia told him she was up to no good.
Mrs. Spears chapter 56 . 12/6/2020
how can Carrick ask Christian to neglect his family for his company.
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