Reviews for For a Thousand Years
Lizzielove09 chapter 8 . 11/10/2020
Well, Ana should have at least called Ted once in all of these days. Kinda disappointed she didn't.
Ipscott chapter 75 . 7/14/2020
Great story. Thanks for writing
Guest chapter 45 . 5/28/2020
Kelly's song was perfect for Ana
Oh Ana
Guest chapter 48 . 5/28/2020
Wait can't they remove scar tissue? Obv not now but sfte she gives birth?
Guest chapter 75 . 5/28/2020
I kept hoping more C/A discussing her therapy and him during his leave
I feel he really could have been better to her and the needs of his family
I don't understand how he was blind to her cries of help
Denie1943 chapter 75 . 5/27/2020
Sweet, sweet story. Thanks so much. You really did well with your HEA. Thanks for sharing!
Denie1943 chapter 47 . 5/26/2020
Guest chapter 8 . 4/30/2020
WoW, great sex scenes.
EMRO chapter 58 . 1/29/2020
I never thought of asthma this way I had it for a very short time as a child. Pray it never comes back. I know Ana had to be so terrified wondering if she and her baby would survive that.
EMRO chapter 45 . 1/29/2020
I really feel bad for Ray but he shouldn't use this disease as a crutch it's like he's trying to get in Ana's good graces by making her feel bad for him.
sabrina78 chapter 75 . 1/24/2020
Yes please
Guest chapter 75 . 1/11/2020
Thank you
LisaKabb chapter 75 . 1/8/2020
Thx much for update. Will always love your story
Pleasingjennifer chapter 75 . 12/16/2019
Thank you for giving Ana a girl ! With all the males in the home its a little much ... More please .
Pleasingjennifer chapter 71 . 12/16/2019
More please but i know you completed the book boo who !
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