Reviews for Remnant Inferis: DOOM
Stormzy chapter 7 . 1/6
Man... Good luck with the rest of the work
Stormzy chapter 4 . 1/6
Ah you couldn't have waited at least a bit before introducing Doom demons and shit? Haven't even begun the RWBY plot yet and already demons and runes...
Stormzy chapter 1 . 1/6
Not a bad first chapter. As long as he doesn't put himself under anyone and doesn't have to "negotiate" for his own equipment back I think imma like this one.
Guest chapter 43 . 12/17/2024
I beg of thee for another chapter before this year ends. I pray
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2024
Cool Story!

I really think You Managed to Blend Both worlds together In a way That feels almost Professional,
Guest chapter 19 . 11/27/2024
When the RWBY villains meets both an unstoppable force and immovable object his is the Doom slayer
Aquilla18 chapter 26 . 11/19/2024
"It means one half of him landed here and his ass went in another direction"

Say what you will about the 2005 doom movie, but they definitely cooked with that line.
Guest chapter 43 . 11/8/2024
When is the first chapter will arrive
Qwertyiop chapter 4 . 10/12/2024
I keep coming back to this fanfic. It's just fantastic. He puts little bits of worldbuilding into his story very early on and I didn't even notice. The grammar is very good. And the spelling and word choice is top teir. Many writers don't even bother. Again great story wish he wrote some more of it.
AnotherReaderi chapter 43 . 8/31/2024
A bit late but, hooray for 3000 review, I am bit sad about no shipping but oh well, it understandable, hope for the next chapter, keep up the good work.
jaymanypop chapter 1 . 8/8/2024
sorry for flaming, this shit is fire
Urban chapter 43 . 8/4/2024
when will samuel hayden make his appearance
jaymanypop chapter 9 . 8/6/2024
its a prowler bro, why are they struggling so much. the slayer has definitely been nerfed.
Guest chapter 43 . 7/21/2024
At the end Vega said they had enough power for 3 portals, i think i misread but wouldn't that mean they only have one trip left?
Guest 2 chapter 43 . 6/15/2024
Some might get mad at me for saying this but I'll say it anyways. Doom Slayer's armor from the Dark Ages trailer is his best look ever.

That medieval style with the futuristic touch is such a nice combo. The fur cloak is also super amazing as well.

So much new things to talk about. The shield for starters how it's a chainsaw and a defence that flies back when you throw it. The gun that mulches skulls and uses the bone shards as bullets is the most Doom thing I've ever seen. It's nice that the Slayer is being resourceful with using grimm skulls and demon skulls as a source of ammo. The fur cloak that he can use as either a nice bedding to lay on or a blanket to snuggle people because he's a nice guy like that. The mech and the robot dragon. The new enemy designs with the Doom hunter before he was turned into a cyborg and the pinkies with a demon riding on top of them.


I'm so hyped for the new Doom!
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