Reviews for Exalted
obed2k17 chapter 1 . 6/19/2024
Finally I have found it... a worthy successor to read.
mddomene chapter 52 . 6/15/2024
This would have been fun, thank you for what is there, I had a nice time reading it.
Rangle chapter 16 . 4/23/2024
I really dislike you limit Minato to only Thanatos. This doesn't feel like a proper crossover of Persona. Nerfing a main character unnecessarily doesn't guarantee a good story. BTW, "bribe" is not the same as "extort". I don't have the best English but your standard is questionable.
Rangle chapter 14 . 4/23/2024
Minato is such a meek pushover. No wonder Xenovia & Irina dare to insult him and his friends.
Vishesh chapter 37 . 3/13/2024
Nothing of persona 3 is left at this point. If you consider minato, for all intents and purposes, he only has 2 personas. Thanatos, which he embodies and Lucifer (tho the description suggests that its actually helel), the butler. The word “Arcana” isnt even mentioned in the last … idk how many chapters. Its not a persona thing anymore, Minato might as well be an OC.

That wouldnt be bad by itself, but the dxd canon story progression has also grinded to a halt. Literally nothing has taken place since the treaty. Loads of girls are being thrown at minato, but atleast he stays in character so there is that.
But yeah, i am bored of this fic, it was good for a dozen or so chapters. To anyone reading this review, do give this a try.
Soushuu chapter 54 . 1/20/2024
To 'Hunter of Entities' (Jan 20, 2024): Jesus… that bad, eh? Thank you for telling me this, Hunter… while unpleasant to know about, it 'feels good' to know the truth. Hey, if you ever get in touch with 'Abel Sephaos', do you mind telling him that I wish him well? Thanks…

To 'Abel Sephaos': If you’re reading this, then I apologise if anything I said in my previous review (Jun 28, 2023) may have 'offended' you. If you’re free, I’d recommend listening to Rise Against’s "Tragedy & Time". From what 'Hunter of Entities' (Jan 20, 2024) has 'told' me, you seem like you could use a good listening to this song… and I wish you well.
Hunter of Entities chapter 54 . 1/19/2024

I don't know if you'll ever read this but I keep in regular contact with Abel, the issue was never the fact that this was a DXD cross over which suffers from the harem slop aspects that many people tend enjoy reading. It was many because he is still going through turbulent time in life where writing is more of a stressor than anything else. Between that and some people forgetting that good stories are a privilege, not a right he decided to step back while he deals with personal issues.
Lavinia Ruskin chapter 54 . 1/14/2024
I miss reading your Persona Crossovers, dude…
hnh058513 chapter 8 . 11/26/2023
Well Based off of what I know of his Social Links Minato is very much the kind of person to put his focus into helping others
Blackknight675 chapter 54 . 11/4/2023
Great story so far, hope you continue to write it
NANAE-Fan chapter 54 . 8/14/2023
To 'SOUSHUU' (Jun 28, 2023): Add in TurboMecha’s "It’s All Pure Science!", a (High School DxD x Heinz Doofenshmirtz SI) on Questionable Questing, for those interested in some light-hearted fun (especially when all the ecchi crap gets tiresome at some point). Trust me, I never realised how much I needed this until stumbling upon it from HellWan’s recent activity…
Kiduki Sai chapter 1 . 6/30/2023
"Science Fiction is for Real, Space Opera is for Fun."
— Brian Wilson Aldiss

(With that in mind, anyone knows of a 'Fantasy' equivalent to the above quote? I thought it might help to put things in 'retrospect' for this crossover-story…)
SOUSHUU chapter 54 . 6/28/2023
~ Let’s Manage The Tower ~
I’ve come back to this (long forgetting my old guest name) with a bit of an 'epiphany'… if Abel Sephaos won’t be answering my query here, does anyone think that the 'good intentions' and (incomplete) 'final product' of this 'crossover story' might have simply been working with the wrong franchise, all this time, to 'take itself seriously'?

I have a strong feeling that the majority of "High School DxD" and "(Shin) Megami Tensei"/"Persona Series" (and other stories with a similar premise) are inspired by The Crimson Lord’s "A Demon Among Devils" (id: 10225608) but unlike Abel Sephaos’ story here, they are simply emulating The Crimson Lord’s example with little effort done to provide 'originality' (disappointing, really)…

And personally, while the 'romance' in "A Demon Among Devils" frankly 'disgusts' me (I think Akeno/Raynare/Rias don’t 'deserve' someone like Minato with the way they 'treat' him), it’s still quite an impressive piece of epic/urban fantasy writing… but I honestly think The Crimson Lord might have gotten a hell of a lot more mileage, had Minato Arisato been sent to either the likes of Bayonetta, Berserk, Blue Exorcist, Chainsaw Man, the Darksiders franchise, DC Universe, Devil May Cry, the Diablo franchise, Fate/Grand Order, Good Omens(?), Kara no Kyoukai ("The Garden of Sinners"), Marvel Universe, SCP Foundation, Supernatural, The Dresden Files, The Elder Scrolls, The Lord of the Rings, The Seven Deadly Sins, The Silmarillion, The Wheel of Time, Warcraft or Warhammer Fantasy (although 40,000 might be 'overkill').

An ultimately 'ecchi' series like "High School DxD" (and "To Love Ru" as another example) would be the last place for such epic/urban fantasy crossover writing… especially when their 'suspension of disbelief' has broken past their limits to 'outright bullshit' that we just can’t take it seriously anymore without setting 'severe limits' upon them.

I think the only thing 'entertaining/interesting' about "High School DxD" fan fiction nowadays would be whether it’s parodying itself… or straight up erotica, like some of the following examples.
• SocialistBukharin’s "A Quiet Life's Troubles" (id: 13999827)
• Silent Songbird’s "Hyoudou Issei: True Lucky Pervert of Infinity" (id: 12483197)
• Silver W. King’s "MAE’R DDRAIG GOCH YN MYNNU GWEITHREDU!" (Questionable Questing)
• Drogoth’s "Powerlust" (id: 13343309)
• NickTheHun’s "The Little Sister is Metagaming Too Hard!" (id: 12196832)
• Curse of Whimsy’s "The Pawn of Grisaia" (id: 13013489)
• Jackie Avocado’s "They Might Become Giants" (id: 13370216)

And of course, TV Tropes has this to say about "A Demon Among Devils" (under YMMV) — 'They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot': After spending a training arc with Rias’ peerage preparing them for the Rating game, the setup is wasted when Minato temporarily joins Rias’ peerage and sucked any suspense from the story leaving it very obvious who would win. The reason he joined, being Issei losing the use of Boosted Gear in a 'Contrived Coincidence' that was never brought up again, makes it worse.
LordAnimeMangaGame chapter 54 . 4/27/2023
How is this complete dumb ss
LordAnimeMangaGame chapter 28 . 4/26/2023
You really are unfaithful to the story of P3 then
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