Reviews for The Peace Not Promised
aerolithos chapter 26 . 10/1/2021
I loved this chapter!
aerolithos chapter 18 . 10/1/2021
! this chapter!
raymond21 chapter 73 . 9/29/2021
I actually understand why Lily Snape is so Dissa pointed hat severus treat draco Malfoy kindly but treat Harry as harsh as he can. Harry is her son after all,born from her womb.

But you can't Blame severus. Severus as far as he know, treated by respect and kindness from Lucius and narcissa. Lucius is always speak highly of him when talked to ministry officials (OOTP), he is being called Lucius lapdog by Sirius,Meaning that he was treated kindly by Lucius,even thought he is just filthy half blood (OOTP), and Lucius is the one who welcomed him in slytherin On severus first year,where severus didn't fit anywhere (DH)

Why severus must treated draco harshly,when Lucius and narcissa is the one who kind and respected him. James Potter as far as severus know,make his life a living hell. Hogwarts is not the place that he can call home anymore because of James relentless bullying (Harry is very wrong when he says that severus find his home at Hogwarts,no, he do not consider Hogwarts as his home),James is the one who sexually assaulted him,and jfj is the one who have Lily's in the end. Make severus heart more breaked than ever.

And after the fifth year,Lily still have life happy without severus in her life. She still have friends,people who love her as who she is,and she is have a loving husband and loyal friend. Sev and Lily in the Canon didn't even have relationship anymore. Why severus must treated child with father he hated anymore and and a mother he didn't friend anymore kindly when Malfoy family is the only one who really kind to towards him? It is the same as if Sirius is a transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts and have severus and Lily son is being teached by him(let just say that Lily is best friend with Sirius because of order bussiness) would you expect Sirius Will treated severus son as kindly he has towards Harry? No off course not. In fact he Will bragging about how evill evil rot snivelly is and bullying severus son more cruelly than in Canon.

Keep in mind that i hated Snape grudges towards Harry. It is very very awful. But you can't blamed Snape alone in this. Had Lily in the Canon actually repaired their relationship and give a Testament to treated Harry kindly if she is gone,i am sure that severus Will trying to hold it as hard as he can
Guest chapter 13 . 9/22/2021
I seriously wonder how the story would have progressed if Lily did not discover Snape's memories. Would their relationship still have progressed so fast?
Moran chapter 95 . 9/11/2021
I wonder if among the memories canon-Dumbledore stored in Severus' mind included his time spent with Harry and pnp-Dumbledore left a vial of said memories for Lily to see after the war (presumably delivered by house elf).
If Albus Snape gets his own story, I picture his likeness to Benedict Clarke, the actor who portrayed 10-11yo Severus in Deathly Hallows part 2. I imagine Albus S. having Lily's good looks, including her green eyes, and Severus' black hair (preferaby shorter hairstyle). If they decided to have a daughter, I hope her name is Arianna.
Siddiqm2000 chapter 97 . 9/8/2021
Great chapter

Everything was fantastic. Some of the casualties were unexpected though such as Rawkas. I also didn’t expect you to kill the Prewett twins.
The part where the Deluminator brought reinforcement for the Orders and they were apparated into the room reminded me of that scene of Avengers:Endgame in which Dr Strange and Wong brought everyone to aid Cap and the others. It was well written.

I’m anxious to see how Severus is gonna get out of this

Thank you
Ebenezerbr chapter 81 . 9/7/2021
Really? all of that so in end she go to war too? snape would never allow that. NEVER. I wasted so many time reading to end like THIS?! the worst outcome? fuck it.
thrawnca chapter 97 . 9/5/2021
Well, Severus would totally give his life at this point to take Voldemort out with Lily still alive and well, and call it a victory. But I suspect he's not done yet.

I like that the cavalry came to turn the tide, a bit like canon, but with more explanation of why and how.
Guest chapter 97 . 9/5/2021
How did Harry Potter avoid being killed by Voldemort's Killing Curse in 1981? It had something to do with Lily's love for him iirc. Same thing here I reckon, but with Snape instead of Harry Potter.
Guest chapter 45 . 9/5/2021
"I keep asking about Sebastian but she said that no records of him exist"

Probably because Sebastian is transgender and the Ministry is still deadnaming him.
Guest chapter 97 . 9/4/2021
I miss when updates were only two weeks apart, as I wouldn't have to be tortured by the cliffhanger for so long.
raymond21 chapter 16 . 9/4/2021
Ah,before its ending ibqant to review this chapter.
This chapter is heartbreaking. To see the memories of Lily is being taken by severus. To save her from legilimency of the dark lord. But in the end,it paid off. As Lily memory is being searched by death Eater,he cannot find a memory that tell that he is from future. If it is happen,Lily fate in later chapter is worse than death. Severus Will get captured and tortured and ITS gonna Be death to both of them.

Severus is very right to say the world is asking too much. Yes,henis former DE,but he spent 3 years under madman to be double agent. He kill Dumbledore,his former allies,alone in his mission to protect student from Carrow family. And must be careful of his position if he is too much to be tender towards Rebel student. He died while the world and allies despised him. He died while he thinks he failed his mission,to save Harry life from Tom Riddle.

To me,that is why severus light side is so much better than his dark side. Yes,he ia cruel,yes he is mean. But ,he protecting students life with his life. He risking his position as DE to save Harry and friends. He Will do anything necessary to destroy the mad man. There is no way that severus is dark wizard when he selflessly trying to save as many life as he can. And he is doing it for her,for Lily,when her presence in his life is just a memory that even Harry didnt know
Tazi-vjc chapter 97 . 9/4/2021
There are cliff hangers, and then there are cliff hangers that make you wait a whole month and a half to find out what happened! Don’t be like GRR Martin and break all our hearts after 97 chapters of character building… Let Sev and Lily have their happy ending. But anyways, beautifully written chapter, I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next installment! (With baited breath and much anxiety, haha.)
rlsa chapter 97 . 9/4/2021
I love seeing all the Slytherins gather. I’m so happy that everyone was called by the deluminator. I cannot believe that Lily even thought about going out there. Poor snape. I’m happy that the deluminator light found him, and that he was able to get back relatively unharmed. I cannot believe the ending! You’re right, that’s quite the cliffhanger. I can’t wait to read the next chapter, and see how everything resolved.
Moran chapter 97 . 9/4/2021
So overwhelmed... I don't know what to say...
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