Reviews for Mr and Mrs Percy Weasley
WalkerWriter chapter 46 . 9/29/2023
I am hooked to your storiesn
WalkerWriter chapter 43 . 9/29/2023
oh my god, I love your Percy!
SarahTee chapter 46 . 9/28/2023
These stories are amazing! I found Escape recently after reading a P&P fic you wrote, and have binged my way through both fics over the last week and a half - your Percy is such a great character!
I can’t wait to read more of this - and when it’s finished I hope you consider more side-stories - Kingsley and Tonks would make a great read I think…or Severus as Headmaster…so many possibilities with the brilliant versions of the characters you’ve created here! X
MyDogIsAsGracefulAsAnErumpent chapter 46 . 9/24/2023
I've been reading this story for years now, and I continue to love it more with each new chapter. Percy is not an easy person to make likeable much less a hero, but he's a good one here.
Guest chapter 46 . 9/23/2023
I love Audrey's confidence!
Guest chapter 46 . 9/11/2023
I truly love this story. You don’t get many Percy stories that are so captivating. I hope you continue to update!
mrs.haloona chapter 46 . 8/28/2023
have just speed read this amazing story. i tead escape first and then happily found this. your story building is amazing
AthenaKnight chapter 46 . 8/28/2023
Ohh the meeting with the ambassador went well! Go Audrey on the connection making!
Thank you for the updatejust recommend this to a couple of friends and it’s great they’ll get another chapter in their first experience of this story!
crity2re chapter 46 . 8/20/2023
Oooo... I do believe I like the ambassador's wife!
Rico Perrien chapter 30 . 8/20/2023
I love the Narnia comment
Grovek26 chapter 46 . 8/16/2023
Excellent chapter
cameron1812 chapter 46 . 8/15/2023
Always lovely to read the continuation of your amazing Escape universe, love Percy and Audrey, and her performance at this Gala and the connections she is making serve to really continue the larger plot of your world. Great skill and craft here, love the maturity of characterization at work! Thank you!
roon0 chapter 46 . 8/15/2023
thank you for the update. It is such a pleasure to read anything you write. Audrey looks like she will make a brilliant Ministers wife.
Kasay chapter 46 . 8/15/2023
Lovely chapter!
RevDorothyL chapter 46 . 8/14/2023
I'm thrilled to see how well the Gala is going for Audrey and Percy so far - especially with Audrey making a new, non-magical-but-very-knowledgeable friend in the Ambassador's wife. :)
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