Reviews for War for Peace
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2017
Seems like a great idea I would definitely like to see more in the future.
San Negative chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
This is very nice. I used to think something similar to this when I first saw the show. It never really felt as if the show was realistic- the fire nation had TANKS and ironclads while everybody else had huts and rocks, and they LOST. So I'm glad this story depicts the realism of the world.
vaguelyaperson chapter 1 . 2/23/2017
Wow, this is a bit of a slow read, but it is really fascinating. One thing about the show that never sat well with me, with how well everything else seemed to be fleshed out, was the flimsy ideals show-Sozin had to start the war. 'Bring wealth to the rest of the world' honestly sounded more like an excuse to wreak havoc instead of an actual ideal. I didn't like how it seemed the Fire Lords fought the war for power's sake.
This story provides such a fresh perspective, and its executed so well.
Skylinemaster chapter 1 . 2/23/2017
Wow, this is very interesting to me. Xisheng seems like a character that has a lot of potential to be developed. This actually reminds of The Story of Qin Lee: Imperial Firebender by 117. Have you heard of that fic?
confessionsofanitalianbaptist chapter 1 . 2/23/2017
Great start. The chapter was very detailed and outlined the events in an interesting way. Very professionally written also. The other thing I can appreciate about this is how it actually fits pretty well in the canon. The events of the Promise and following seem to indicate that this goal all worked out in the endthe Fire Nation was able to spread their technology with the world more peacefully in the years that followed through the United Republic of Nations. Also it shows how the Avatars are not necessarily infallible and highlights the differences between Aang and Roku. Very solid first entry
Dressyone22 chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
This is an amazing fanfic that must continue! It has the potential to go far and despite a few inconsequential grammar mistakes this first chapter was very interesting, and early await the next chapter.
battle manga chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
Finally a story on the fire nation that makes sence. ).
Reat job.
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