Reviews for Ma Fleur, Mon Ange, Mon Tout
Jeremiah Malkai chapter 19 . 2/8
This story has a big tone problem.

A few chapters back, Ron is handling Harry's newfound abilities and girlfriend well. And Harry and Mrs. Wesley had this lovely heart to heart where he told her that she's still his mum. And now we're in a bash fic.

And I don't mind the bashing. But the chapters cannot decide of this story is meant to be happy, empowering, or a bash fic now.

Harry has righteous, justified anger with Dumbledore and then is a joking wise guy 3 paragraph's later and accepting punishments from Aunt Minnie. It's rapid manic-depressive dream fulfillment.

I'm going to keep reading. Because it's my favorite ship. Because there has been some great originality and Harry getting parents is always nice.

And I know this has been a years long project that was always a work in progress for fun and I'm dumping on it. And your work deserves better than that from the likes of me.
SMB chapter 4 . 1/29
That was f**king stupid. OP Harry is acceptable. Weak Ass Pussy Harry that tried to kill himself instead of fighting back? F**king garbage. With the way you wrote him he deserves to die for being so pathetic. I'm really surprised you didn't have Vernon sodomize the little shit before carving him up. You convinced me to drop this. Good job!
SMB chapter 2 . 1/29
You're really beating a dead horse with Vernon being so physically abusive and Harry being a big pussy and just taking it. Do you enjoy seeing a f**king child be beaten for an unnecessary plot point? She's was going to rescue him anyway and you're f**king dragging it out through several chapters and making things so much worse for no f**king reason. Stop wasting time and get to the f**king story already!
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 36 . 11/25/2024
Update soon?
StarCrap01 chapter 34 . 10/6/2024
Did you forget they already metdecided to be friends some chapters ago?
jet223456 chapter 36 . 8/22/2024
will you be continuing this?
Mando-Vet chapter 36 . 8/13/2024
Decided to reread this story and I forgot how good it is. I truly hope you return to finish it one day.
Taliesin The Eternal Bard chapter 26 . 7/8/2024
You have the right triple goddess, however Babd is the war goddess, Moraine is the sorceress.
Taliesin The Eternal Bard chapter 5 . 7/7/2024
I thought your story was good before But it's gotten even better.
Mac55 chapter 7 . 6/12/2024
I cannot take any more of this weak whiny Harry.
Trainion chapter 19 . 6/2/2024
The most important thing
bobel1990 chapter 22 . 5/22/2024
my Problem with this Story is that it Starten painful - wholesome and had some potential for training arc and dates romance with fleur but it with all the skips and rushing of the relationship.
Harry needed 2 days to accept fleur as his mate and all .
now its flat humor and more a gag and friendly banter everywhere you look.
its a bid sad
AkerinSilver chapter 36 . 5/20/2024
I really am enjoying this story so far and can not wait for more
Guest chapter 10 . 2/28/2024
This is so retarded.

The author is an inane child who thinks swearing is cool. The MC is an utter dumbass. And now? Now he even let kidnappers of his 'mate' go without any sort of punishment.

It is just dumb.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/28/2024
And this is where the story goes bad. Lol.

I had such hopes after the last chapter. Sigh.
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