Reviews for (Old Version) Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron |
altaf9312 chapter 46 . 1/10 To be honest i rather choose the old one. To many chapters were better. |
Nathan Ramos chapter 46 . 10/19/2024 I think you should transfer all old chapters to new version, that way you won't do this all over again. Besides I curious how zero and paladins beat zarkon? |
Guest chapter 1 . 10/19/2024 Keep this version or at least least archive it. I wouldn't want something someone made to be lost, never to see the light of day ever again |
Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2024 I have a question. Why add material from Oz when you (thankfully) haven't read the manga? I feel this is going to bloat the story into a full on mess especially with elements from Akito already being added in. |
pushtrak1 chapter 46 . 10/19/2024 I've been using this site as a reader since the early 2010s, and sure, in all that time I've only been a reader so it entirely makes sense, but wow, it's a blinder to me that FFnet has a system where you can't put a new chapter in as a first chapter. I was then thinking 'makes sense' on not wanting to delete this one, and lose all the reviews - and you do have a lot of those... but then I see you plan to delete it later. Huh. I don't have a preference, but I'd think for *your* sake keeping this up as is - with (old version) and keeping the reviews on the site. Also, I'm going to speak on something that isn't an issue to me, but could be an issue for some readers: Some like the old version to be kept on the site to read that again too. |
gwencarson126 chapter 46 . 10/18/2024 please keep both versions |
James porter chapter 45 . 10/14/2024 it's Sunday and nothing's happening. |
UnseenUrge chapter 45 . 10/13/2024 hope you have a great holiday author! |
KobeAlpha9 chapter 45 . 10/12/2024 Oh and congratulations! |
KobeAlpha9 chapter 45 . 10/12/2024 Welcome back! I’m been dying to see your next. |
barbatos009 chapter 46 . 10/12/2024 I am delighted to hear from you again, and congratulations on the wedding! Also, you're right that Zarkon doesn't care about political maneuvering and conspiracies. He would just take over Earth and head straight for Voltron. |
wild arms chapter 46 . 10/12/2024 see you soon |
codegeassfan123 chapter 46 . 10/11/2024 Congrats! |
sonicfighter21354 chapter 46 . 10/11/2024 Glad to hear from you. Congratulations on your marriage, I'm happy for you. |
ChaosOmega98 chapter 46 . 10/11/2024 Thank you for the update |