Reviews for (Old Version) Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron
chidoriprime chapter 47 . 3/17/2023
That's fine with me. So which chapter will you start with?
GALLANTMON123 chapter 47 . 3/16/2023
I think the story was awesome, one of the best in my opinion, and I hope you feel better about writing!
Cosmic Sky chapter 47 . 3/16/2023
As someone who's gone through similar slumps like that, take all the time you need, and best of luck with your job!
Blagoj Pejov1 chapter 47 . 3/16/2023
got it
WDZERO chapter 47 . 3/15/2023
Great that you're still alive and well, i love this story very much.
Flameal15k chapter 47 . 3/15/2023
I understand. Work on your own time.
Matt22152 chapter 47 . 3/15/2023
Well dude, you need to handle what life throws at you first, so take as much time as you need, but it’s nice to have something to look forward to.
Spiral-Voltron-Zero0Q1 chapter 47 . 3/15/2023
At least your still alive
Thats good enough for me
Hope you feel better soon
ChimaTigon chapter 47 . 3/15/2023
When will the editing/rewriting begin?
Iron117Prime chapter 47 . 3/15/2023
I totally understand.

Take the time to reflect and go back if you feel you need to.
Makosultima12 chapter 46 . 1/3/2023
I'm not going to say this chapter was horrible, but I agree with the view that some parts feel a bit choppy. The stuff with the EU is alright, it serves as good follow up to the scenes with Ryo, Yukiya and Ayano from Chapter 44. The problem with these scenes I feel is that the feel a bit disjointed from the rest of the chapter. Mainly because the rest of the chapter focuses on the arranged wedding in the Chinese Federation. For something with such importance in-universe, even more so at the end, it feels a bit rushed. I'm sorry for sounding like an ass, but I feel this would have flowed a bit better if it was two separate chapters.
rubius chapter 31 . 12/24/2022
now that suzaku and euphie are set up maybe now we can get into the kallen x lelouch romance... those two are kinda my otp for this anime... lelouch and kallen i mean
rubius chapter 15 . 12/23/2022
what episode is this from?
rash1987 chapter 32 . 11/27/2022
eso es cierto el Arte no se apresura jamas o solo tendras un trabajo mediocre asi que muchas gracias por esta genial historia asi que no te preocupes, solo goza en hacer tu trabajo con el esmero de siempre
jetslinger333 chapter 46 . 11/20/2022
I want the team to have a fun time at the space mall as it be funny shopping at that place along with not trying to attract attention with the Paul Blart guy.
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