Reviews for Professor Shockwave
rayhanm53 chapter 33 . 4/5/2023
Welp, this is why you shouldn't rely on only one source of energy, it's crazy to think after all of the advance technologies they created, they can't even make a simple orbital satelite. Also, for a being who lives a thousand lifetimes, Ozpin/Ozma is really stupid for not finding a substitute power source for Atlas.
Haywire Productions chapter 33 . 4/5/2023
Geez. Deep chapter.
dyn4myterdd54 chapter 33 . 4/4/2023
Honestly, I didn't think something like this would happen, but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the direction you've taken this story. If anything, it just makes me more anxious to see what happens next. Great work on this!
Mila Saint Preux chapter 33 . 4/4/2023
Very good chapter, love it as always. I supposed that human life was as irrelevant to shockwave as cybertronian life, or that its value was relative in any case. Now that Atlas is down and Amber met Penny, their shockwace relationship is going to get interesting.
Colossus Bridger chapter 32 . 4/4/2023
Also, while the Fall of Atlas would be a shocker, Shockwave would be able to pin the blame somewhere else. Dude is a Decepticon, DECEPTICON! It has the name “Deception” on it! A master of Deception! No doubt he would pin the blame on something else!
vesperon chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
That was, in my opinion, a monumentally stupid decission from shockwave. He's effectively doomed himself along with the rest of remnant
ahsoei chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
Wow, so Shockwave really destroyed Atlas and Mantle? Damn.
BrutusPrimus chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
What a chapter… nice work!
Colossus Bridger chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
Somehow I still hope that he attempts his own offspring idea on Amber. Last chapter you kind of tease a possible ship why not let it set sail. Despite some glaring issues, especially with recent events in the chapter.
Warmachine375 chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
If Professor Shockwave wants to shift the blame of Atlas falling on Mantle after using the Staff of Creation, Salem would be the most easiest and logical target for Ozpin and his inner circle to understand since she wanted humanity to burn.
TheLandMaster45 chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
... Well I guess Shockwave wanted to speedrun Volumes 7 and 8 as quick as possible.
Mistroz chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
Excellent chapter
Equilized Enigma chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
Shockwave is going to be found out and eventually put on a watch list, and I can't help but think it'll happen soon.
surely not a problem for him, of course, but it'll be interesting when it comes around, especially with such a big event transpiring
fresh prince1 chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
Glad to see the new chapter
Guest chapter 33 . 4/3/2023
idk man, i hope you gets better i read you profile, im not knowledgeable about thing in the army, but all my support for you man.

about the story, only want to see shockwave f*ck so hard Amber than she become completely loyal to him, and their child become the strongest entity in remnant.
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