Reviews for Professor Shockwave
Guest chapter 36 . 6/13/2024
Looking back into this, I just realized the Hydra that Shockwave made is technically a Ghidorah-expy. No other reptile fits the description of three heads and a pair of wings other than the Golden Demise!
Guest chapter 20 . 6/12/2024
So Mercury is dead huh? Somehow it does not surprise me. Of all the members of Cinder's team, I found him the most boring and bland. And his lack of Semblance means he doesn't really contribute much to the battlefield except for his prosthetics.
xHatsAndCatsx chapter 36 . 6/2/2024
I’m really loving this story and can’t wait to see how Shockwave manipulates the world to his liking!
Ryan Bisesti chapter 36 . 5/18/2024
Please continue this story, it’s friggin AMAZING
JustDusty chapter 36 . 5/3/2024
Dammit we're sooo close to the ending.
Please, you can do it man! I believe in you!
Just think about how the "Completed" mark will look on your profile.
I'm begging you man. Unique ideas are about a dime a dozen on this site. I can count on one hand the amoint of RWBY fics similar to this one in premise, and most of those were written by you.

I will literally do anything to convince you to finish one of these fics.
JustDusty chapter 35 . 5/3/2024
Lmao. Amber thinks "she can fix him".
This made my day lol.
Equilized Enigma chapter 36 . 5/3/2024
When I first went into this fic, I remember hoping to see Soundwave enter the story in someway, if only because of the synergy of the names and the duo it'd create.
With the ending seemingly approaching, however, I would be foolish to theorize on it now I suppose.

Regardless, I look forward to the possible updates this may receive.
EnTItTy-LuCIus chapter 10 . 4/1/2024
ooooh this reminds me of the old transformer cartoon where the decepticon and autobots insignia switches
Guest chapter 36 . 3/14/2024
So the next immortal neutralising treatment is gonna be given to Ozpin's ex. So is he gonna discover conversation of energy from matter and use the fact that she has a very fast regeneration know make a infinite never ending energy source or something. After all dust is finite and a non renewable resource. Just asking k.

And keep writing this and update it you know have been waiting for the update for a long time.

(Sorry if I sounded rude or if it have any grammer mistakes)
TripleSweet chapter 1 . 1/21/2024
More Please! This is awesome!
Guest chapter 36 . 1/19/2024
The interaction between Shockwave and Ruby always amuses me. It's like this little, naive girl allows herself to be taken advantage of. He basically helps a heartless and morally unsound scientist and a war criminal create weapons of mass destruction, and he does it all with a smile on his face. I am very curious whether she will finally wake up from her illusions one day.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/16/2024
Shockwave in the vytal festival just evaporates huntsman
D.I.B chapter 36 . 1/7/2024
I was just binge reading and all i can say is why did it have to stop here!?
Guest chapter 36 . 1/6/2024
So you could say that another Great War is coming for Remnant. But this time it will be a war not between Kingdoms, but against the ancient enemy of the entire planet. It will be a war not for resources, territory, ideologies, or religion, but for the survival of Remnant and all its inhabitants.

I also bet that Shockwave will make sure that the blame for the destruction of Atlas and Mantle falls on Salem. In this way, with the right rhetoric, he could turn the inhabitants of both cities into martyrs whose death would ignite an even stronger flame of hatred and the desire to defeat Salem and her supporters.

I won't say that the continuation of this story will certainly be interesting.
Nullblaster chapter 25 . 12/31/2023
Here I thought he would try and recruit Watts. But nope. I guess Watts is just fucked. That's fine too, I always hated that snide jackass.
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