Reviews for To Love and Protect
cmtaylor531 chapter 37 . 3/21/2021
This is amazing. I’m in love. I can’t wait to read more and more.
Guest chapter 37 . 3/20/2021
This was such an amazing chapter i’m so half you updated.

I’m extremely sorry for your loss and i’m sending you strength
Anon chapter 18 . 3/20/2021
When you think about it, people using Harry’s age/grade he was in as a point of reference for time (I.e voldemort was resurrected during Harry’s fourth year) instead of saying the actual calendar year the event happened in is kinda weird. Like isn’t it far more likely for people to just simply say the month and year that this event happened instead of comparing it to Harry’s age? that’s what people irl would do right? Every author does it though. Food for thought.
BMS chapter 31 . 3/21/2021
That's it a stern talking too! Please get help and a threat! Why not just smack him w/ a rolled-up newspaper?
He attacked her son from behind and could have burned him severely if not to death and Lily is more concerned w/ Remus than Harry.
You sure Dumbles didn't Imperius her during one of their meetings caused she certainly sounded more like Dumbles than the Lily who first came back.
Either way, this is where I get off. Frankly, it's not the same story at this point as it started out as.
BMS chapter 30 . 3/21/2021
Really, in what world is attacking a student from behind something a friend would do. I can't wait to see what excuse you let him get away w/ this time. Of course, you'll probably have Harry blame himself. Seems to be the theme of the back section of the story so far
BMS chapter 29 . 3/21/2021
I don't suppose you'll let them succeed in offing Remus, He's useless in canon and worse her.
BMS chapter 28 . 3/21/2021
At this point, the story has turned into one big Harry bash, Not sure how much more I can stand. Basically, you're having everyone tell him the same thing they did in canon only w/ slightly different reasons. It hardly feels like the same story since returning to Hogwarts.
BMS chapter 27 . 3/21/2021
Frankly, Harry putting up w/ Remus is stupid and ooc for this Harry. He has both Severus and Lily to go too, yet you have him behaving w/ less backbone than canon Harry, who stuck to his guns about Draco even when his friends wouldn't listen.
Yaw6113 chapter 37 . 3/20/2021
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
Millie072 chapter 37 . 3/20/2021
Been reading HP fanfic since the 1990s. Never read any with Luna as an announcer. Still laughing. Utterly marvelous.
blackangel150 chapter 37 . 3/20/2021
Hahah I love Draco but he deserved it. Great chapter by the way can’t wait to see what comes next
Aladine98 chapter 37 . 3/20/2021
Hello! I'm sorry for your loss. I am really happy that you continue this story, it's really one of my favorites! Thank you!
Anne Alice Louise chapter 37 . 3/19/2021
my sincere condolences to you and your family
a chapter 37 . 3/19/2021
i’m very sorry about your parents but and i’m sending you love. This was an amazing chapter and i’m so happy you updated
Daniel6 chapter 37 . 3/19/2021
I suppose Harry will tell his dad in the next chapter. The real reason Harry jinxed Draco. A hex causes physical damage. A jinx, for the most part, just embarrasses the other.
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