Reviews for Percy Jackson: An Age Gone By
Blackcurse01 chapter 33 . 2/4
Beautiful writing, you really captured the despair and emotional turmoil Artemis held, i deadass felt it too
PercyPoseidonJ.SeaGod chapter 33 . 1/31
One of the finest Pertemis (and overall) stories I've ever read. I know it's probably not gonna get updated, but I guess I can still hold on to hope
CuriousGuest chapter 33 . 1/6
The fact that you abandoned it before they kissed is such bs. One of my all time faves and almost had the perfect ending despite not being finished
MrNeedsToRemoveAllFavs chapter 26 . 12/26/2024
Honestly whenever someone is told to "hold your tongue when you know not of what you speak" or "don't talk about what you don't know" I always get the impression they are being told to stay foolish and ignorant, rather than the intention that they not act as if they are experts on a topic. Mostly because the people using that phrase are always either arrogant or dismissive or mean when they use it.

also, Percy being called Prideful is always hilarious to me because while he might outwardly seem that way inwardly, he doesn't seem to express excessive pride like people seem to think. And with gods that can read minds, I've always wondered why they don't do so lol
MrNeedsToRemoveAllFavs chapter 16 . 12/25/2024
"Artemis based in the feeling of just saying his name"
basked in the feeling, I think.
MrNeedsToRemoveAllFavs chapter 9 . 12/24/2024
"Testing Zeus wasn't something she wasn't capable of. At least, in this form."
probably needs to be "wasn't something she was capable of." instead.
firecaster-hikaru chapter 31 . 11/26/2024
I like that Perseus has returned to Artemis. I hope that Perseus will merge with both his past and present life and still have strong connections with his water powers as the son of Poseidon as it has been very useful to him. One think I would like to ask though, is why was Percy was looking at Artemis? Also, I was really hoping that Percy would still be the child of prophecy so that Artemis can actually fall for Perseus Jackson in his present life. To me, Artemis is a person that once falls in love, will only love that person's soul no matter whether that person is reborn even with similarities or differences due to life experience.
Guest chapter 33 . 11/22/2024
amazing work sad to see it discontinued but was an incredible story nonetheless
Malgrath chapter 31 . 11/19/2024
As mush as i enjoy this fic, probably the Pertemis fic out there or at least top 3, I still think the Son of the Western Sea's take on Percy's domian has it best. Domains of spaceflight, exploration and possibly diplomacy. It was a very organic way of turning Percy into a god and about the only only I've ever truly liked.

Even with this one I've had my problems with, the idea of Olympians just saying that there is a new god on the block isn't very interesting despite the twist with Perseus/Percy.

I would have liked to see Perseus' memories start popping up in demi-god dreamer and Pecry's shudden interest in drawing, books about Alexander, or talking about Perseus' experiences without even noticing. Because not only would it have throw Artemis and her Hunters into a tissy, you could have explored an identity crisis with Percy.
Guest chapter 33 . 10/25/2024
And he was never seen again
MaelaVu chapter 30 . 9/5/2024
LFG! Incredible, amazing, phenomenal... 100% worth the wait. I started reading this story a forever ago and sticking with it and finding it again has been the most rewarding experience as a reader
noble6117 chapter 33 . 7/28/2024
god, years ago i came across this story not knowing what it was, it was different compared to the pertemis fics, but now i can say this is top 5 of them that i love. And then lost the name, until now since i was looking for stories. I do wonder when you will be back to continue this story, hope to see more, if you are well, i do hope so
AlexusAP chapter 33 . 7/23/2024
It was so log ago when i first read this, but now with each new chapter it energizes me. I look forward to the next chapter
1nfra chapter 1 . 7/12/2024
Not really for me. I thought this was a Percy Jackson and Artemis story, but instead a different Perseus. Despite my personal preferences I can see that a lot of effort went into this story. Doesn’t look like it will be updated any time soon though.
8MexicanJaeger chapter 33 . 6/3/2024
Hell of a place to leave us abandoned
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