Reviews for Just How Can a Computer Do Magic? !
Guest chapter 7 . 1/26
Please continue the story.
Nate Cook chapter 1 . 1/21
Please come back to this, I know it's been years, but this story is just the right kind of insanity and I love it
DracoKing30 chapter 7 . 12/24/2023
really like this story can't wait for new chapters
Nullblaster chapter 7 . 11/25/2023
Magical G.L.a.D.O.S. is a dangerous thing.
philodices chapter 7 . 11/12/2023
I love it.
just a weirdo chapter 7 . 10/31/2023
I don't know if you're still active on this platform, but please continue!
TheGrimDragon chapter 7 . 10/22/2023
I would love to see this story continue. The humor of it is just great and I love how you are writing everyone in it. Also, Potatomort.
areaderslist chapter 7 . 6/1/2023
Well I know this wont be updated but I do hope someday you find the spark to continue it. Thanks for the story.
Rainbow Prime chapter 4 . 5/21/2023
Oh boo. Kreacher was trying to kill the Dark Lord too.
ManticoreBlues chapter 7 . 4/30/2023
I adore this fabric, I hope you decide to continue this one eventually!
IAmOutOfIdeas chapter 7 . 3/19/2023
I’m unsurprised that you abandoned this. It’s nothing against the story; it’s more addressed to your wandering interests
JCINNABAR chapter 7 . 2/21/2023
Hello! And from one random person on the internet to another I would like to say that I enjoyed your story tho I do have to question if you will ever consider to continue this story or not because It has not been listed as [completed] despite its last update in 2018. And tho I wish not to come off as overly rude, I ask that you either list this as Hiatus or canceled/[completed]. Please note that I do not say this with the intent of questioning you action and if you so decide I will respect your decision in canceling this story but all that I ask as just a simple reader is just your clarification of the state of your story. Nevertheless I bid you a pleasant whatever the time of day you are reading this, if even you are reading and that only good things may come your way.

Ashes and souls chapter 7 . 1/23/2023
Damn. This really was an amazing story. Honestly if you thought you were going to Peter out during the sequel all you had to do was one more chapter. And that chapter was GLaDOS being GLaDOS and outwitting all of the Wizarding World and finding evidence to convict Death Eaters easily. Oh and put good old Voldemort the rigorous torture sessions through several different simulations to get all the information from him. Actually she can literally just scan him and get all the information from him so she'd know literally everything that he knows. Oh my gosh the story literally would have been ended the second GLaDOS got her hands on Voldemort. You didn't even have to write a sequel you just had to write that she scanned the mind and fixed all the problems that was it! That was all you had to do!
Argonaut986 chapter 7 . 12/26/2022
Well… that lesson was amusing…
Argonaut986 chapter 6 . 12/26/2022
Well… that was brilliant…
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