Reviews for The Price of Betrayal
MartinDeShade chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
The one thing not British that stands out is Harry's wanting to be on first name basis. I have friends that have worked in Britain notice that people go by their last name a lot more than in the US, and they don't ask non close friends to call them by their first name. Most people middle age and younger don't use a title like mister or miss, but they say their last name instead of their first.
bodsquad chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
Absolutely fantastic first fic.
It's well written and i enjoyed every minute reading it, please post more stories and always ship HARMONY.


I'm not inflexible.

Lyn1991 chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
For this being your first story I really loved it. You did an awesome job so hope to see more from you
Hericus C chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
I like the kick-a** Harry and his slytherin mind! Brilliant plan.
Deathmvp chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
Outstanding work on this one shot. Thanks for making it.
OnlyHHR chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
Ha! Absolutely loved it. Laughed out loud when Harry shot Dumbledore in the face. I hope you keep posting.
jlove34 chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
This was effing hilarious. Love it when a magical brings a firearm into the magical world and offs people. (It's even better when it's Dumbledore.) So he (Harry) is going to escape murder charges merely because of the charges filed at the MoM? That's pretty ingenious... silly, but ingenious. Great little one-shot!
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