Reviews for The Price of Betrayal
Bronze chapter 2 . 10/1/2022
I really can't see any real reason why Harry wouldn't or shouldn't do something like this in canon. Most especially just walking away. Good Ole Fumblemort placed Harry in an abusive home knowingly. If Mrs. Figg reported every instant of Harry Hunting, she saw or heard about, and Good Ole Fumblemort did nothing to stop it, does that not imply he's a Dark Lord? Then there's all that stupidity that occurred in the SUPPOSED safest school in the world and I have to ask myself why would anyone bother to return after one year?! McGonagall stated before the sorting that the students' houses would be like their homes. What she didn't say and really should've was, that the staff would never stand up for any of the students. They would blindly follow Good Ole Fumblemorts' orders regardless of who got injured or even killed. In most stories Good Ole Fumblemort is more concerned with maintaining the status quo or even forcing the magical world of Britian even further backward. He truly had no idea of just how far the muggles had advanced compared to the magicals. Oh, I'm sure he heard rumors about muggles walking on the moon, orbiting the Earth for weeks on end and the like. However, being as old as he is, he likely dismissed them as nonsense. Imagine that a world ending disaster would occur in around one hundred years. The muggles would bend all their scientific know how to either stopping it or getting the human race off the planet long before it happened. I imagine the magicals awaking one morning to find them all gone. The world for once all theirs. Maybe the muggleborns and halfbloods would also leave with the muggles. The magicals that stayed behind would celebrate for a few days before expanding into the rest of the world. I'd think that even if the muggles left messages warning about the upcoming disaster the magicals would ignore them until it was too late. Or maybe it would only be those magicals in Britain that stayed as the rest of the world wasn't as hidebound. This idea is based on Good Ole Fumblemort getting his way in the war with Riddle and living through it.
Fallow59 chapter 2 . 9/30/2022
xx KUDOS xx : )
Guest chapter 2 . 7/21/2022
This wasn't even a chapter!
Cwhit930 chapter 1 . 7/11/2022
Thank you for this it was a fun one shot to read
Celticowl chapter 1 . 6/23/2022
geenakmom chapter 1 . 4/29/2022
Enjoyed this
RightWrong chapter 2 . 1/19/2022
I loved this story! Thank you so much for writing it! I’ve been toying with THIS EXACT resolution in my mind for quite a while and loved seeing someone else write about it. (Pact with voldie, gtfo, good luck everyone, go burn in hell, lol)

I think I’ll look what else you’ve written )
Bronze chapter 2 . 12/9/2021
Personally, I could see Harry using a fifty caliber Desert Eagle instead of a Webley. It's a more modern firearm and therefor easier to get. But like any handgun it's only good at relatively close range. I know this for a fact! I had a camp consular who served in Nam. His sergeant ordered him to do a recon by fire using his 45. Unfortunately, the bush he was firing at had nothing to fear. It was so far out of range that none of his rounds even came close. After wasting an entire clip, he hopped into the back of the jeep and use the mounted fifty caliber to check out that bush. Of course, if there had been a someone hiding in that bush, after using the fifty caliber to check it out, there would've no one alive there. Ergo, my point. I did like the story even if the gun was old. I do have to agree with you about certain weapons. They just would not have fit in the story without some sort of backstory as to how they came to be in the HP universe. IE, the Iron Man Armour. I don't think you could manage it and still make this a one shot. So, good on you.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2021
I knew from the moment Harry aligned with the Goblins and you said he was practicing with a weapon they gave him that it was a gun. There being so many calibers I couldn't guess which one it would be, but I knew it was a gun. Though to be honest, I didn't think he was gonna use it on Good Ole Fumblemort himself. Nor Ron or Ginny. Not that it really matters or anything. All three got what they deserved. I've long suspected that Good Ole Fumblemort was a Dark Lord disguised as the Leader of the Light. Though frankly, I've thought of him as being the Primary Dark Lord of the mid twentieth to early twenty-first centuries. Ginny I could easily see as a Dark Lady just by how she behaves. Ron in the other hand couldn't be a Dark Lord without someone telling him what to do and how to get it done. I can't see him amounting to anything after graduating from Hogwash. He just doesn't have the ambition. He's too damn lazy to put the effort into anything but Quidditch, reading about Quidditch, playing chess, eating huge amounts of food and of course, sleeping. Oh, I missed one. supporting an extremely losing Quidditch team, the Chudley Cannon. If he did end up marrying Hermione, her status as the wife of a PurenBlood would allow her to get a really good job likely in the Ministry. Possibly with the Unspeakables as a Researcher. Unfortunately, that would make Ron look like the useless slacker he is, and he'd work to destroy self-esteem with insult and very likely beatings. If those didn't work, well, there's always the fall back to potions from Molly the Potions Queen. That and keeping her pregnant would destroy her work record, resulting in the same thing. Her being fired and leaving him as the only bread winner in the family. Even though he likely would not have been earning enough to feed his family. I've wondered for quite some time if Molly might be feeding Potion to Arthur to keep him meek and mild, so he controlled the family and he ALWAYS obeyed her. I've read a few stories where that's what she'd been doing since before they were married. So, it's likely she was in on the whole affair from the start.
Duchess67 chapter 1 . 11/21/2021
We'll, good riddance to bad rubbish, I say! Well done!
Brother Grimace chapter 2 . 7/25/2021
Ron died as he lived - a stupid look on his face, and nothing of worth coming out of his mouth.

I see Ginny died as she lived, as well - on her back.
Brother Grimace chapter 1 . 7/25/2021
I especially enjoyed the assassinations - and getting the legalities taken care of, so it's all legit in the eyes of the Ministry. I loved Harry's line about how the wizards can now fight for freedom themselves, instead of expecting an abused, underfed teenager to do it for them.

This fic also shows two of my biggest gripes about Wizarding Britain in canon - that while everyone wanted Voldemort gone, they weren't interested in correcting the things in their culture that created him... and one of the biggest of those things was Dumbledore. Really - if almost all witches and wizards go to Hogwarts, and Dumbledore's been Headmaster for almost 35 years, then it stands to reason that the way the culture skews reflects greatly upon him, as few beyond a child's immediate family have as much impact during the formative years as their teachers. With Hogwarts being a boarding school that houses the children for almost ten months a year for the ages of 11 to 17, that gives the instructors and the headmaster great leeway into guiding the hearts and minds of the young under their care.

Yeah. No longer a Dumbledore fan. If the battery had come to America, MACUSA would have had words with him. After all, Hogwarts is famous worldwide for turning out Dark wizards and witches, and at least one Dark Lord.
4fundaore chapter 1 . 5/20/2021
ARedHair chapter 1 . 4/17/2021
The prophesy has been fulfilled, the Dark Lord has been vanquished.
Bronze chapter 1 . 3/17/2021
Oh, too bad, so sad. Harry ended the threat of Ole Fumblemort as well as the two youngest Weasleys. Of course he might get in trouble because he used a muggle weapon to do it with. But I can't really see him caring about it. By this point in the story I'm sure Riddle's in total control of most if not all of magical Briton. And knowing how stupid the Purebloods truly are, it won't be all that long before they start attacking the muggle world openly. There goes the neighborhood!
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