Reviews for Luna Lovegood and the Dark Lord's Diary
Guest chapter 101 . 2/1
Brilliantly written.

In love your characterization of Luna. She retains all her whimsy, but is definitely someone that will not put up with nonsense.

Thank you for sharing this story.
Zangetsugaara chapter 101 . 1/29
Hi! So, i first find this wonderfull story in my own language in french, but That was SO FUNNY and Awesome, I laught so much so i deceide that i can't wait to read all the next chapters ! so here am i, on my knees in front of your gold feather ! Thanks for give us this masterpiece !
marthapreston4 chapter 1 . 1/17
love the start
Jetstream chapter 101 . 1/15
The Luna fan art url seems to be broken.
Jetstream chapter 91 . 1/15
Ehhhh. I don’t really buy it, ngl. I think it’s just a failing of the notion of “sorting” children by vague prepubescent personality traits. Peter might’ve been brave once. He rolled as he aged.
Jetstream chapter 90 . 1/15
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I can’t imagine Voldemort having a sex drive, and I can’t see it for less crazy Tom either. Makes sense to me.
Jetstream chapter 35 . 1/14
Judging people IS fun.
Jetstream chapter 33 . 1/14
There is no official source for Rolf’s DOB that I’m aware of. Fanfic likes to make him a lot older than Luna, but that’s just fanfic.
Forsoothandconquest chapter 68 . 1/9
In Dumbledore’s defense, what was he supposed to do?
If word got out that Lupin was a werewolf, Lupin would have been expelled at best! He gave Sirius detentions for the entire year. What else could he have done? He couldn’t expel him because, by that point, the Black family had erased him from their family tree and likely would have had him killed.
Forsoothandconquest chapter 49 . 1/9
I think the reason the teachers never suspected Sorius was coming through the whomping willow tunnel was because they didnt know he coupd turn into a dog. Since they assumed he was always human, they didnt think he couod getnpast the whomping willoa.
Just a thought
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2024
NimonaRules chapter 101 . 10/19/2024
I loved this story and alternated between laughing and crying when I read it. Although I am a bit sad Tuna didn't come to be, I'm really happy with this and love the choices you made! 3
stlouiscards chapter 75 . 10/1/2024
I love hoe cute this is
stlouiscards chapter 68 . 10/1/2024
Ok i get the snape was bullied and abused, and in on world is that ok , but serious was also abused by his parents and sleep also called Lily mud blood so I mean, he wasn’t exactly the greatest person either.
NullNoMore chapter 101 . 9/28/2024
This was spectacularly fun, and thank you for pointing out that Luna is an 11 year old child lmao.
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