Reviews for Harry Potter and The Shadowed Light
Amanda Lea Zimmerman chapter 47 . 1/21
Love this story!
garvit.bansal234 chapter 9 . 1/19
dropped 8/47, its not for me.
Skellefte chapter 47 . 12/23/2024
please updated
evfangirl98 chapter 47 . 11/28/2024
Love it. Can't wait to see what happens next
Guest chapter 47 . 11/7/2024
Evening-Ruby chapter 47 . 10/21/2024
Ugh! I knew it wasnt done but still I read it, is there any hope of an ending?
Stacy Damato3 chapter 47 . 10/13/2024
Please update this story is good and want to see what happens next
KPB chapter 47 . 10/2/2024
Please continue the story. Very interested to know what would happen next.
Emma Rose Bodeholt chapter 47 . 10/1/2024
Please continue the story I would love to read more
Grammar Fiend chapter 47 . 9/25/2024
I see you have not posted a single one of my reviews. That’s fine. As long as YOU received them and can hopefully improve your writing. You can not improve if you do not know what you are doing wrong.

This could be a wonderful story, if only you could learn proper English grammar. Your storytelling is good, your ideas are somewhat unique (hard to do with so many Harry Potter Fan Fictions), and I would like to see where you are taking these characters.

Buy a book. Any book that had a professional editor. I hear J.K. Rowling has some good ones. Read it. Pay attention to the grammatical rules.

I hope you keep writing. Your imagination is enviable. Your grammar leaves much to be desired.

Thank you for your contribution to the world of Harry Potter Fan Fiction.
Grammar Fiend chapter 43 . 9/25/2024
Not only is your grammar in desperate need of assistance, now you are misspelling canon names. What is the name of the French school? Who is the head of Ravenclaw? What is Ronald’s last name? Perhaps you need to read the books again. Poorly done!
Grammar Fiend chapter 39 . 9/25/2024
This chapter has 13 apostrophe errors. 21 other grammatical errors. Wrong words, extra letters, missing letters, missing words, improper commas, missing capitals, wrong tense verbs.
Grammar Fiend chapter 36 . 9/25/2024
This chapter alone has 19 missed or misused apostrophes. As well as 17 other various errors including (but not limited to) mistaken homonyms, missed capitals, misused or missing commas and missing letters within words.

Either you are not paying attention or you just don’t care that your grammar is so poor.
Grammar Fiend chapter 33 . 9/25/2024
You have some truly excellent ideas and some unique plot twists that I am enjoying. However, your English skills need some strict attention. One cat: cat. More than one cat: cats (NOT cat's). One Potter: Potter. More than one Potter: Potters (NOT Potter's). There are NO apostrophes in pluralizations. This is Primary School English you need to review. Belonging to one Potter: Potter's. Belonging to more than one Potter: Potters' (or Potters's). The possessive requires an apostrophe (with a few exceptions: his, hers, ours, theirs).

Gryffindors, stairs, Grangers, ideas: all plural. No apostrophes. Sometimes, in English, we change the word itself to make the plural: mice, men, elves, children, stories. No apostrophes. Some words are also their own plurals: moose, fish. No apostrophes. Cat’s paw, ministry’s policy (one policy of one ministry), ministries’ policies (more than one policy of more than one ministry), night’s sleep, harm’s way, Potters’ family’s fortune: all possessive, all require an apostrophe.

Proper nouns need capital letters. Buy a grammar primer. Study it. Proper grammar can only improve your storytelling.

You wrote: “ Harry watched this and was Harry the chair he had summoned send to appease Tom.”. What is that even supposed to mean? A beta who reads, writes and speaks English would greatly benefit you.
Grammar Fiend chapter 28 . 9/24/2024
You wrote: “… if he had really created so many of the abdominal things.”
You need to pay more attention to the words you type. This is definitely not the only error of this type. There are also numerous apostrophe errors. Further proofreading is required.
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