Reviews for The Road So Far (this Time Around)
jainga chapter 83 . 4/23
This is good.

And you have no need to worry about being verbose. It makes perfect sense to me that it would take three or four chapters per episode. Start thinking of the chapter divides as commercial breaks and the pacing starts to mirror the actual series.

I usually lose interest around chapter 25 or so, but here we are at 83 and I've read them all in 4 days despite a 2 day killer headache. So KUDOS to you. The pain has been worth it.
superlc529 chapter 131 . 4/21
So great of you to not leave us hanging TOO long with that cliffhanger. ;) I guess it paid to not have TOO many all caps in the comments… Time to dive in to this baby.

Aww, I had almost forgot that Castiel was witness to all those goings-on as if she were watching a TV show. All the feels! I agree with her… sometimes you can’t look away… it is like a compulsion.

Ooo… It’s interesting how Tom and Persephone’s path crossed with Sam’s.

My heart aches for Dean speeding toward his brother (again) not knowing his fate. *puppy dog eyes* I like the detail of having Devil’s Trap carved bullets. Way to use future knowledge, Dean baby. 3

‘His chest was aching fiercely and for the first time in a while he couldn’t tell if it was him or Cas doing it.’ – All the feels!

Leave it to Bobby to be the voice of reason. 3

‘Brakes squealed, the vehicle screaming to a halt behind the parked car. He heard the door fly open. “Sam!”’ – Damn! Dean was yelling so loudly that Sam and Tom heard him before Baby. That’s saying something. That’s my Dean! 3

‘A weight slammed into her from the side, tackling her back onto the Morton property and into the lawn of overgrown grass and wild bushes.’ – Aw, crap. What now? Poor Cas can’t catch a break either. *puppy dog eyes*

DAMMIT! WHY’D YOU HAVE TO HAVE SAM *STILL* GET STABBED?! But but but but Cas is there! She can heal him, right? *pleads*

‘‘Cas. Cas, I… I found him. He’s dying. Sam’s dying, he’s been stabbed, and I don’t- God, I don’t know what to do. Please, Cas. I-I don’t… We need a miracle, damnit. We- we need.. we need you, Cas. I need you.’ – Once again, Dean’s prayers are tugging at my heart strings! Come on, Cas! Convince Gabe that you CAN change things!

Awww! Sarge lying on top of Andy’s body broke me. :’(

Oh my goodness, I could really FEEL Dean’s emotions there and the tension there for what he was about to do… I’d hate to admit it, but thank goodness for (who I assume was) Penelope showing up there at the very end to stop Dean. I can only hope that Cas isn’t far behind and can heal Sam. *puppy dog eyes*

Speaking of pointing out helpful typos… I did notice for one of the lines there, instead of ‘dog’ the word ‘dark’ was there instead when Sarge was barking (I think it was during Sam’s POV). ;) This was yet another heart-pounding chapter that REALLY tugged at the heartstrings. I have no doubt that whatever comes next will be just as epic. I can’t wait to find out! Keep up the phenomenal work. This fic is a masterpiece! Until next time! 3
Marvelfanforlive chapter 131 . 4/21
Love your story , would love if you record it
Tigerwoman188 chapter 96 . 4/19
Dean will never put Cas ahead of Sam, he wouldn't just sit there waiting for Cas when his brother is in danger!
CommanderBlackout chapter 130 . 4/18
superlc529 chapter 130 . 4/14
Not gonna lie, those chapter warnings are scaring me… but time to dive into this (what I’m sure is still an epic) chapter update.

I couldn’t help but laugh at Sam grabbing Andy’s hands to stop him signing antagonizing comments at Ava. LOL. That’s quintessential Supernatural humor. 3

Sometimes I wonder if in the show, Ava felt anything for Brady’s death when Sam told her or if she was already too far gone…

‘The kid turned, half staggering, and swiped weakly with his other arm – the one still clutching the iron rod – right through the ghost. Daggett disappeared with a flicker and a rageful cry and Andy fell to his hands and knees, trying to reach over his shoulder and free the knife from his back. He fell onto his side before he managed it.’ - *screams “ANDY!” right along with Sam*

‘He didn't need demon blood to access what had always been in him.’ – Good on Sam for using Ava’s words to his advantage. Come on, Sammy! Save Andy! Beat Ava!

‘"It's okay," Andy mouthed again, lips stained with flecks of blood that confirmed a punctured lung. He raised his trembling hand to grip Sam's again. "Get out of here. I got this." – You’re making me cry. :’( :’( But this is SOOO good. So powerful.

Ha! I’ve never been happier over a ghost taking/killing someone than Daggett taking and killing Ava! LOL. Not sure what that says about me… ;)

‘The front door unlocked with a loud, echoing click as Sam approached it. He didn't bother with the knob. The door slammed open with a resounding kick, frame splintering and glass shattering. It bounced off the wall with a loud crack, the top hinge snapping off with a screech of rusted metal tearing. The younger Winchester left the Morton House and stepped into the fresh, frigid outside air, Andy tucked in his arms.’ - *whimpers* You warned us… ANDYYYYYYYYYYYY. *whimpers more* And yet somehow, I think it will hurt even more when Bobby and Dean meat up with Sam to find Andy gone in his arms. *puppy dog eyes*

Despite the cruel twist of fate of Andy… (but he went out fighting! Dean will be proud and he’ll get a Hunter’s Funeral :’( *cries more*), this was another EXCELLENT chapter. Keep up the great work! I know you will! I look forward to each and every chapter of this EPIC fic. 3
Marvelfanforlive chapter 130 . 4/14
Tigerwoman188 chapter 94 . 4/10
Stupid Dean thinking he can beat someone or help Cas when he useless at the moment
CommanderBlackout chapter 129 . 3/24
Hey! I don't review every chapter but I'd like to drop a line here telling you that I AM reading and that I AM enjoying the story! Keep up the good work, Silence!
superlc529 chapter 129 . 3/24
I see Daggett indeed got Sam… it’s not his party, but he can still cry if he wants to. ;) :) I’m so glad to see an update on this story! *heart eyes* *prepares self for evil cliffhanger*

‘'Taxidermy,' Sam thought, recalling the manual he'd found upstairs. Freeman Daggett had been an amateur taxidermist. His animal of choice was, apparently, humans.’ – Creepy but accurate.

Oops! Daggett killed Jake! Is it bad that I don’t feel TOO terribly about that? We finally got to “hear” Daggett explain things to Sam. Interesting.

‘What honorary Winchester hadn't been stabbed once or twice? It was most definitely a Tuesday’ – Well… Andy’s not wrong. 3

‘He really had to stop turning his back on psychic kids. You'd think he'd have learned after that asshole, Jonathon.’ – Yes Andy. You really should know better by now. (Please don’t hurt my Andy (too badly)).

Woot! Andy took out Daggett (temporarily) and found Sam! You go, boy!

‘Well, actually he signed, 'Is Ava Stabby McStab Stab?' He had to finger-spell out the ridiculous title since there was no sign that matched Andy's unique sense of morbid humor. Sam kind of wanted to hug him and head-slap him in the same go.’ – I love Andy and his sense of humor so damn much. His humor is a lot like Dean’s actually. 3

‘Daggett hadn't just shown up; he'd been summoned. Summoned and told who to go after. Ava could control ghosts.’ – Twist! She can control ghosts here instead of demons. Great powers of deduction there, Sammy! :)

‘The bloodied knife glinted in the new light, clasped tightly in her fist, and Sam moved in front of Andy, pushing his injured little brother behind him.’ – Yup… evil cliffhanger, but not TOO evil. ;) This was yet another amazing chapter! I had no doubt. :) I hope Bobby and Dean are well on their way to the rescue. 3 Keep up the brilliant work! I know you will! Until next time. 3
superlc529 chapter 128 . 3/16
I’m late to the party by a couple days on this chapter. I’m sure you did a wonderful job on the Battle Royale… time to dive in!

Not gonna lie… I’m REALLY nervous by the fact that Andy is alone with Ava checking out the rooms. *bites nails* Don’t hurt my boy (anymore).

Oh boy. Now that’s a twist! They’re in the Morton house! This is gonna be awesome!

‘She thrust forward just as her head exploded in pain.’ – HA, Ava! That’s what you get for trying to hurt Andy! :P

‘He thanked whatever cosmic power existed in the world that he and Dean were less than two hours away from the infamous Morton House.’ – Me too. I just hope Ed and Harry aren’t in there too. LOL. ;) I’m grateful at least this time Dean and Bobby knew that the images were from Andy. 3

‘He only felt mildly guilty about that as he headed for the stairs.’ – Don’t feel guilty about that at all, Andy. 3

I love how you have Sam trying to bond with Jake… here’s hoping Sam can make a change in the timeline. *puppy dog eyes*

Oooo! Daggett took Jake?! This is getting more intense! I loved the detail that Andy sent the message to not only Dean, but Sam, Jake, and Ava too. He inadvertently saved his own life and didn’t even know it. :)

Hoo boy… Tom’s got the Colt? Things are getting more intense! This is incredible!

‘Andy's eyebrows went up in return and, despite the darkness and horrors around them, he was grinning as he fingerspelled the word. "B-A-L-L-S."’ – LOL! I LOVE it.

‘Every instinct in Sam's gut warned him – firmly now – that he was in immediate danger.’ – Trust that instinct, Sammy… oh man, am I worried for Andy too. *puppy dog eyes*

Fresh blood on her knife? Andy better be okay! And now Daggett is right behind Sam! This is getting even MORE intense. Loving every second!

‘"If Sam Winchester perishes and you do not free me to stop it," she began aloud, her gravelly voice even deeper than normal with the severity of her words. Castiel turned her head and fierce gaze to her brother, sitting beside her in his red recliner. "I will never forgive you, Gabriel."’ – You tell him, Cas!

Dean’s racing to Sammy, Cas is attempting a breakout, and Gabriel’s having a grand old time just watching everything. He’s got more in common with Chuck than he thought. ;) This is yet another INTENSE chapter and you handled everything BEAUTIFULLY. I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen next! Keep up the phenomenal work! I know you will! Until next time. 3
Tigerwoman188 chapter 86 . 3/5
Stupid Dean thinking Cas needs his protection 24/7
Jamie McCrimmon chapter 127 . 2/22
I'm too used to Andy being the Winchesters' little brother. It feels like the most natural thing in the world. Because of that, I REALLY don't want Ava to kill him this time around. I don't think I or my heart would be able to forgive you for that. (Okay I would so forgive you because you are an awesome writer and seem like an awesome person but still)
superlc529 chapter 127 . 2/18
Definitely won’t be objecting to more chapters and with more ‘appetizing’ lengths. ;) It just means more to enjoy. I can’t wait to see what our fave characters get up to now.

Ooo! Action already! Dean’s on the chase! 3

Oh, Gabe… you have NO idea the lengths Cas will go to in order to try and save Dean Winchester – even at detriment to themselves. *puppy dog eyes* Awww! Gabe gave Cas some of his grace. Such a sweet big brother (even though he’s holding her there with him against her will). ;) :)

Victor Henriksen is being a pain again… but at least his timing is “better” – even though it’s not great for Andy. I loved this: ‘Bobby folded the warrant up and handed it back without so much as a micro-twitch in expression. “There’s no one in the house, Agent. Whoever it is you’re looking for ain’t here; you’re barking up the wrong tree.”’ – I could REALLY hear Bobby there.

‘“Yeah, I noticed,” Henriksen answered dryly, recalling the row of landlines in the man’s kitchen, each labeled with a different government agency. He would most definitely be coming back with a warrant for those, and a handful of techs to figure out how Robert Singer had made his lines untraceable and untapable.’ – Bobby’s got some skills. 3

‘The moment he was sure the FBI had truly left, Bobby climbed into his truck, ran his hand down Sarge’s neck to comfort him (and maybe himself, as well), and pulled away from the house. He had no idea where Andy was, but until Dean called (and Sam, God please let Sam be with him when the boy called back), he and Sarge were heading to them.’ – All the feels!

And now we’ve got a glimpse of Sam and wherever he ended up. 3

‘Sam almost tripped himself in order to stop his forward momentum as Andy Gallagher brought his free hand up to his cheek, throwing out an explosive gesture.’ – I’m not gonna lie. I’m relieved that Sam and Andy are together – wherever they are.

‘“Why do you look like you’re trying to rob the world’s coldest bank?”’ – This line is gold.

‘There were marks dug into the wood floor, as though it had been slid into place in front of the small door often. Sam decidedly didn’t think about why that might be in this old, most-likely-haunted house.’ – Hmm… Ava? And Ava up to no good, like in canon? Intriguing.

‘Andy could contact Dean! They just had to get a location, somewhere for Dean to head to with the cavalry, and Andy could send an image of it to him. He grabbed the kid by the arms once more, grinning. “Andy, I could kiss you.” “Please don’t,” Andy signed immediately, though he had an ear-to-ear grin himself. “I’m saving myself for the right man.” Sam laughed – really laughed – before turning back to Ava, who was staring at the two of them with the less-than-impressed side of incredulity. “So… I take it you two know each other?”’ – This exchange is PERFECTION. I can see it so clearly in my mind’s eye. I LOVE the fact that Andy’s a bit more established as a character in this AU and him getting a message to Dean may be ‘easier’ and in a more timely manner – at least I hope. This is amazing.

Poor Dean. *hugs him*

Not sure if the hex bag in Persephone’s possession is a good thing or not. I guess time will tell. This was quite an intense chapter. And they’re all coming together (the long way round. ;)). Excellent work, as always! Every time I see an update on this story, I get excited. It’s truly an epic fic (not just in length, but in quality). 3

Can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with next! Until next time! 3
Spnlady chapter 126 . 2/15
Please continue, such a great story!
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