Reviews for The Road So Far (this Time Around)
Spnlady chapter 16 . 2/10
I can’t put this story down! Amazing!
Spnlady chapter 2 . 2/7
Wow, im so glad I found this story! Loving it!
Kite33 chapter 120 . 2/4
Man, thats... thats ingenious.
Kite33 chapter 116 . 2/4
What. Just what... I'm shooketh.
superlc529 chapter 126 . 2/4
To be fair, it IS a Sunday (again) by the time I got to get to read this (what I already know is) amazing chapter! 3

We’re already starting with Dean getting put back in the loop in regards to Henriksen paying Bobby and Andy a visit… nice. Awww! I loved Dean’s thoughts about the prospect of seeing Jody. 3

Ronald Resnick teaming up with Ash is a duo I never knew I needed. LOL. I LOVE the visual of Sam sliding into the driver’s seat and passing along this iconic phrase TO Dean: ‘"Driver picks the music," the younger Winchester offered with a pleased grin. He didn't even have to finish that statement – Credence Clearwater Revival already coming through the speakers – for Dean to start groaning.’ – I could clearly see Dean’s own Bitch face. ;) :)

I don’t blame Bobby one bit for wanting to keep Andy safe from Azazel’s Battle Royale. I’d do the same. I love Andy snagging Sarge’s leash back from Bobby and taking off. That was great. Maybe if they ward Andy’s van, that plan could work. ;)

Oh wow… Henriksen is going after Ellen now? Time is a cruel mistress, eh… Crap… and now Henriksen made connections between Bobby, Andy, and Jody. (REALLY hoping we can get Viktor in the know about Hunting sooner rather than later to turn him into an ally – I can hope, right? ;))

‘"No, it's not that," Chuck admitted, then winced when he realized he'd just confirmed it was something. "Just the, uh, story. Going somewhere I'd prefer it didn't. As usual."’ – Your favorite characters throwing curveballs you didn’t expect, eh, Chuck? ;) :)

‘"I think something big is coming," he admitted with a slight shrug. "And, well… it sounds silly, but… I want everyone to pull through."’ – Not gonna lie, THAT surprised me. Aww, Chuck’s a softie. ;) 3

Cole’s DEFINITELY in the story pretty early. I forgot he had been brought in. LOL. At least if/when he crosses paths with the Winchesters, Dean won’t be a demon. ;) I’m glad you had that helpful guide in your beginning author’s note – I definitely would’ve forgotten about Cole’s involvement in the story and about Mr. Okie-Dokie.

Man oh man, I hope Ash actually listens to Dean and gets the hell out of the Roadhouse and to (mostly) safety. *fingers crossed*

I totally forgot about Perspephone’s involvement with Tom and Azazel too. But to be fair, it’s been awhile! LOL. Events are really ramping up now.

Poor Sarge had to go to the bathroom! You can’t fault the dog for that. I could FEEL Bobby’s panic here: ‘When he found Sarge, the dog was barking furiously at the far fence of his property, nothing but empty night beyond it. His leash was attached to his collar, dragging on the ground around him, but there was no sign of Andy.’ – And I have to say, I’m right there with him. But I take solace in the fact that Andy seems more “trained” with his abilities than the original Battle Royale showdown… Yup, things are definitely ramping up!

‘"Sorry, Squirrel. Those are the rules."’ – I missed Crowley. 3

Something’s up in Minnesota… interesting. I loved Dean and Crowley’s banter about the cold and Dean bringing up how he’s from Scotland. 3 Bobby REALLY is trying to get in contact with his boys about Andy. I’ve got a bad feeling about Sam heading to the bathroom…

Ooo! Persephone and Tom pulled up into the same gas station! That can’t be good…

What is it with demons and nabbing people when they attend to either themselves having to go pee or their dogs? ;) I had a bad feeling that Sam was gonna get snatched there. I could really FEEL the tension. This: ‘The hunter stumbled back outside, mind racing with what to do next. He had to call Bobby. He had to find Sam. And Andy. He had to find Azazel's new Cold Oak. He had to stop it from happening all over again.’ – ALL THE FEELS. Everything’s coming to a head.

Ooo! That last scene with bloodthirsty Ava… chilling! Quite an eventful chapter! I LOVED IT. This story is so freaking epic! I love the twists of events we know well and your putting your own spin on it where we’re guessing as to what happens next. I can’t wait to see. Keep up the brilliant work! :) 3
Kite33 chapter 102 . 2/3
Such gooey feels. Tbh, I'm oving the slow burn. Kudos!
Kite33 chapter 98 . 2/3
Man, this ended with a bang of a whimper.
Kite33 chapter 97 . 2/3
Man, the past few chapters have been a snowball of action and I am loving it. Kudos!
Kite33 chapter 90 . 2/3
OH MY GOD YOU F****** GOT ME. DAMN peak writing right there. Like holy s***. You got me so good. Kudos
Kite33 chapter 83 . 2/2
Nah, this was a good setting up the next events chapter. The kind that get important later on.
Kite33 chapter 64 . 2/1
Ehehehehe I see what you did there slick rick. There always has to be a gilmore girls reference. Also, loving the building of Andy's character. Always wished he had become a recurring character instead of his demise.
Kite33 chapter 61 . 2/1
Kite33 chapter 60 . 2/1
Tbh dean has it comeing he did not handle that interaction well at all lol. Also your rants are entertaining at the least. Its nice to see read some behind the scenes.
Kite33 chapter 58 . 2/1
Man, this chapter made me pick the show back up. The brothers and Cass are so on point and their interactions are so so so realistic. You did your character studies super well, Kudos! I've been binging since I started two nights ago and can't put this down!
Eragon135790 chapter 3 . 1/18
Oh, just thinking of all the angel sigills and such...
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