Reviews for Goddess of War
K415 chapter 6 . 12/1/2018
Please continue. Not many ai stories for mass effect. Let alone any good ones focused on a ai eith a body
Guest chapter 6 . 11/28/2018
I was afraid you abandoned this I'm glad you didnt
VODKA18 chapter 6 . 11/30/2018
Good story.
GiftofChaos chapter 6 . 11/30/2018
I really enjoy this story. Please continue.
EXC RID3R chapter 6 . 11/30/2018
More please ! :D
jdude281 chapter 6 . 11/30/2018
I like this, it’s really unique compared to other Mass Effect works, especially the SI’s, and the writing is really well done. Hope to see more of it.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/27/2018
Awesome, just awesome. It's a well made Mary sue-iss type with reasonable flaws and motivations. I love it. Names Clanking, please keep writing. Maybe try causing a redundancy in her AI systems. Thank you for your imagination.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/26/2018
I didn't expect an update for this story, but I'm glad to see one. And I hope we'll see more.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/26/2018
Can she become the next Shadow Broker with Vasir's Help please. Kinda seems her talents are wasted not being the Broker.
Artemis Styx chapter 6 . 11/28/2018
And apparently the comments do not recognize the 'dash' symbol surrounded by spaces, making my previous comment look absolutely hideous and hypocritical. Lovely.
Artemis Styx chapter 6 . 11/28/2018
Trojan Seeress,

I'd like to start by clarifying that what I'm about to say is *not* meant to be interprered as snide remarks made by a condescending jackass intended to ruin Your day. Please treat this comment for what it isconstructive criticismand not an ad hominem attack.

You have interesting ideas, but the execution could be more refined. I want to enjoy this story, I really do. But the state it's in right now? Well, some things in it are a complete turn off.

First and foremost, the formatting needs some work. It is difficult to tell who is speaking when the speech of multiple characters is lumped into one paragraph. This is, by far, my largest gripe with this story.

Secondlybut by no means less importantlythe spelling and grammar mistakesspecter" instead of "spectre", "whose" instead of "who's" etc.) are quite grating.

Last but not least, the punctuation could use some improvement. Similarly to poor formatting, poor punctuation canand doesconfuse the reader.

A final bit of (entirely unsolicited) advice (I know, I'm an assholeget a beta reader. Seriously, it will make everything much simpler. And as a bonus, you will be able to redirect comments such as the one you're reading right now to your beta.


Art S
gearblade chapter 6 . 11/28/2018
More please
Rakizael chapter 6 . 11/28/2018
Great to see this continued!
Justme335 chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
I hope you do continue this! it's very good!
Griffon2745 chapter 6 . 11/27/2018
Interesting story, I look forward to reading more of it :)
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