Reviews for Serpentine
Pretzel chapter 7 . 9/8
Amazing chapter! Loved the Pun!
TheLoneDoctorVII chapter 22 . 8/30
In a short amount of time this has definitely become one of my favorite stories. It's different. Hope to see you continue. Well done :)
Guest chapter 4 . 8/21
... you know, I really want to start understanding why do this whole eluding to Harry getting a different wand or him going to a different house and make different friens... only to keep it the same, don't fanfiction writers (and not writers of normal books) not understand that in a fanfiction a reader's mind does in fact not go to the same conclusions as they would in a non-fangiction. in a fanfiction you are not supposed to press so heavily on subjects that don't change because doing so can and will feel unessasery and redundant and make your writing feel unauthentic. at that point you are better of glossing over it so you can keep your reader's interested and hooked.

let it be known that your writing skills are not called unskillful, rather see the difference between a book and a fanfiction and use that info however you yourself please.
ale.macznik chapter 22 . 7/28
Great work I love literally everything about it, from Harry's character, relationship with Tonks and Snape to adults being responsible for once. That and so much more. I'm waiting for update if there'd be one. But we all know how it is with life. Take care honey and I'm sending love and appreciation for you.

May your life be as happy as Harry is when he's taking care of his snakes in the case and you imagination flow and grow like the magic itself.
Sending hugs and sparkles Sweetheart
Freddie Rindklip chapter 22 . 7/22
The fic has been on hiatus for a while. Is everything ok? You did write about some difficulties. Whatever the case, take care of yourself first. Life does come before a hobby such as writing.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 15 . 7/22
This Hermione is much more like my head canon than canon. Not being smitten by Lockhart is how I see her. She is, however, getting to the age where hormones start coming into play.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 13 . 7/22
End of year one - yeah. Skipping to important parts of the plot is no problem. Too many get lost in minutia and the plot goes with it.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 6 . 7/22
A unique way to get Neville's remembrall. Interesting fic so far.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 1 . 7/21
I look forward to reading this fic. Thank you for writing.
Goldiman543 chapter 4 . 6/26
ew dropped
Light Hero Kaiser chapter 22 . 5/25
Most interesting great story so far can't wait for more
guest Lumi chapter 22 . 5/18
This is a fantastic read, so I hope your muse finds time for you -
ulttoanova chapter 22 . 5/18
I really like this so far, I don't have much to say about it but I hope you update soon.
johfra56e chapter 22 . 5/1
love the story very interesting looking forward to more
mauricio11 chapter 22 . 4/23
looking foward to the next update
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