Reviews for Serpentine
Fuxxy-Panda chapter 4 . 3/7/2018
I’m so freaking happy rn you can’t believe
doctor of supreme awesomeness chapter 4 . 3/7/2018
Ardyn 1997 chapter 4 . 3/7/2018
You cannot imagine how happy I was to see this in my inbox when I woke up, love your work, keep it up.
YDdraigGoch94 chapter 4 . 3/6/2018
Two things, really.

It’s spelt Gryffindor, not Griffindor. That really bothers me, as it kinda implies a lack of research. Not saying you haven’t, but it’s all in the image.

The next is that Dumbledore is 110. Again, is the little things that take away from an overall good piece of work.

Otherwise, it is progressing quite nicely.
acw28 chapter 3 . 2/27/2018
Please tell me this story isn't dead, it was just getting good!
multyfangirl21 chapter 3 . 2/25/2018
i'm excited about this story now, i'm really looking forward to when you reach the chamber of secrets, I realized that the queen of serpents being a partial familiar and body guard to Harry will hurt his case of not being Slytherin's heir, but I just can't help but think that when Harry goes into the chamber of secrets that the queen will come with them and help face the ancient king down there.
i'm looking forward to seeing how his fellow students will react to Harry walking around with a small to medium sized snake wrapped around him because I don't think that she would like staying in the dorm almost all day and I think that many people would abject to letting her roam around loose. I think much of the time she'll either be on him or in his school bag , maybe she can help him with some stuff while she's still small like push out particular books from his bag and tell him about interesting smells and sights she notices in the castle. perhaps she can find out about the ancient king so he and Ron don't have to into the forest to meet one of Hagrid's oldest friends and his tribe of children. I also imagine that she could tell Harry that Lupin is a werewolf from his scent. I also imagine that at one point , maybe in the care of magical creatures (which I think Harry would probably be required to take at least 6 out of his 7 years due to his little queen) or in defense against the dark arts they will go over Basilisks at least briefly.
I also think that Harry will likely either have house elves bringing him rats for his little queen to eat or go to Hagrid or the professor who teaches care of magical creatures for her food.
I wonder if he'd be aloud to use her to help him in one or two of the tasks in the tri-wizard tournament.
ooh I wonder what the death eaters will think when word trickles through their ranks that he's got a queen protecting him, I wonder what Voldy and Nagine will think, I doubt they could trick him like they did in the 7 book when Harry and Hermione visited Godric hollow.
hope to read the next chapter soon.
multyfangirl21 chapter 2 . 2/25/2018
immediately went down to the comment box when I saw that you had Hagrid being Scamander's student, do you think that could be cannon? i'm hoping it will turn out to be.
multyfangirl21 chapter 1 . 2/25/2018
i'm trying to remember who Andromeda is , is she Tonks's mother?
Verdauga chapter 3 . 2/24/2018
This is fantastic, and I hope to one day see more of it.
Verdauga chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
I'm already in love with this story.
Roland's Blade chapter 3 . 1/14/2018
Walk The Max Planck chapter 3 . 1/8/2018
This story is very good so far.

I'm loving some of the changes you're making to the setting, like the implication that either He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is Grindelwald, or Voldemort has entirely taken his place. I'm thinking it's probably the former, given that the prejudice against snakes and Slytherin seems to be reduced in this story relative to canon, a nice touch and sensible change if my guess is right.

I also enjoy your depiction of the Goblins. Most authors who give them any attention fluff them up and make them more compassionate and, well, "cuddly", so to speak. You've given them some extra depth and character while staying true to their cutthroat and vindictive natures. The thing with Andromeda and Grimauld Place is also interesting, and I'm definitely looking forward to what has been changed about the Black family, especially if Grindelwald really did just replace Voldemort.

I hope you update this story sometime soon (next few months maybe), and keep up the good work.

Walk The Max Planck
ShadowofDeathsveil chapter 3 . 1/6/2018
I love you story and I often don't leave comments but I felt compelled to tell you that this is one of the best stories that I have read in a long time being in the military and on deployment stories like yours help keep me distracted and decompress after a log day so thank you and keep up the good work
Tomiya Shiro chapter 3 . 12/29/2017
Dude, this story is great! I can't wait for the next chapters.
Fuxxy-Panda chapter 1 . 12/10/2017
I really, really, really need thisto continue sooooooo bad. It’s such a good story you can’t drop it now. Or it could be writers block but come on. Kick it into gear
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