Reviews for Legend of the Blind Ninja
rachlnoah chapter 1 . 2/3
This story beautifully emphasizes the importance of growth and learning from challenges.
I genuinely admire your narration, how you wrote it was so cool. I am sure it would look fantastic in comic format. Let me know when we can collaborate to proceed further.

Contact info;
discord: rachelstudio
Yugidork221 chapter 17 . 9/26/2024
is the story thr remake or the original if its the remake then you might need to go back and proof read a little more good story though i like it
jackyfloresq2001 chapter 16 . 9/4/2024
can't wait for the next chapter
Derick Lewis chapter 17 . 7/31/2024
Instead of pointing out other people's flaws, maybe you should workon your own. Such as finishing your unfinished fanfictions!
TravelerPeace chapter 10 . 7/17/2024
Pretty please update the story and take your time .
ElementalDrift chapter 8 . 6/20/2024
How did naruto know what N was doing?
Zmag49er chapter 17 . 6/6/2024
looked up the guy, and he was not there anymore. I can't wait for more chapters.
Fredward1 chapter 17 . 4/22/2024
Imagine complaining about a story you never planned on updating. Hopefully the person who decided to post the story on Wattpad decided to continue it because clearly you aren’t.
Irisrose24 chapter 1 . 4/1/2024
love the story
Lil Author Vert chapter 5 . 3/13/2024
It's your story of course, but you definitely dumbed down Sasuke
Lil Author Vert chapter 4 . 3/13/2024
You have GOT to space out your paragraphs in your next story. maybe even indent them if youre feeling fancy...
eepycommentor chapter 1 . 3/8/2024
this is bad
fusion721 chapter 12 . 2/17/2024
stories amazing so far. nice to see im not the only one who uses there ipad to write.
mysty chapter 2 . 1/8/2024
Hold on, they got the kids into a marriage? Already!?
Honestly protecting him was a nice thing, but like engagement? That's the deal?
Raven Schlegel chapter 1 . 12/29/2023
Please ignore the last 2 comments, dont know what they have been smoking, please continue story.
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