Reviews for Attraction that is Blossoming (Prologue to Jerkwad)
R4nd0muzer chapter 1 . 1/8/2019
Really like what you've started with these first five chapters. I'm interested to see where this goes. Definitely has the feel of Adventure Time, in all its sacred moments of silliness. Looking forward to reading the main story!
Cody Black chapter 5 . 1/6/2019
You did it! You completed a quality Finnceline fanfiction. Your story might have been short, sweet and to the point, but that's ok in a saga where there's more to come. I truly liked the final chapter, and the epic battles Finn, Jake, and Marceline fought. Also, I believe you did a wonderful job with character relationships. It was a step forward, but not too much in one sitting, I think. I'm glad that I've read "Attraction that is blossoming" and look forward to reading your other Finnceline facfictions.

I'd also like to mention how your fanfics have inspired me so much. I've been wanting to write a quality fanfiction about Adventure Time for quite awhile, but it wasn't unitl this last Christmas that I've committed myself to a decent story about Finn. Life, as it is for every writer, has gotten busy for me the past few days, and it's been really detrimental to my will to write. However, your stories have encouraged me, and in the words of Marceline, I've "quit being a weenie about it". I'm finally determined to write chapter 3 of my fanfiction because of you. Thank you.

As to answer your question to me earlier, yes, I've had my own issues with the show. I'm a straight guy who didn't like the lesbian push they did in the finale. I'm a Christian, so I believe homosexuality is immoral (But that's my own personal biz, so I merely imply but don't press my beliefs onto other people, except Jesus :D). I also dislike how the finale screwed Finn over. He's lost his home, still has no gf, and lost Fern, an extension of his personality that was given life. That's what propelled me to put my ideas for a fanfic to the keyboard in the first place. Thanks again for this wonderful story, I too am a believer in Finnceline. So keep up the good work!
I LoveAbs chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
This was a genuinely fun read, you captured the spirit of the show and its characters fairly well. What I enjoyed the most was the dedication to establishing growth and development for Finn and Marcy. It's a bit of bias on my end but I'm not a fan of doomsday plot lines, I think you can write a story where the conflicts are personal; more often than not those stories are better for it. And you have nailed that so major props to you. If I had to give any criticism it might be the segments where the narrator was having a back and forth conversation, it was entertaining the first time but the joke wore out its welcome very quickly. Maybe try and fix that or scrap it entirely. All in all that was a fantastic read and I wait in anticipation for your continuation.
He23t chapter 5 . 12/18/2017
Now this is a great story till the end. But it just the beginning of a new story is it?

He23t chapter 4 . 8/15/2017
I just hope Finn realize something before it's too late.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/22/2017
I really enjoyed reading this and I hope you continue to write some more
He23t chapter 3 . 7/14/2017
I Feel bad for Marceline.

Happy belated birthday and congratulation with your brother.
Atomsk the Pirate King chapter 2 . 5/17/2017
Glad you update it. It's a slow process but Finn will be to his old self again. At least he got a new arm and things are good between him and Bubblegum. I hope in the next chapter they'll be another cute Finn x Marcy moment
He23t chapter 2 . 5/17/2017
Well slowly and steady Finn will back to he's old self

Great chapter and I really enjoyed and laugh every moment of it.

Hope to see more chapter soon and some Fluffiness *Wink
Atomsk the Pirate King chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
Talk about a lot of emotions that Finn is going through. Just glad that Marceline was there to help and I have feeling that she feels something for Finn and I think Finn does for her. Speaking of which, is there gonna be more? I want to see more Finnceline fluff.
He23t chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
Marceline is really a great friend for Finn.