Reviews for Eventful Tomorrows
Catina chapter 2 . 2/26/2003
I'm guessing that the romance is Midvalley and Vash. Am I right? btw really good story going here. _
Bennu chapter 2 . 2/26/2003
Is is something ~really~ obscure, like Vash and, I don't know, Midvalley? Yes, Midvalley is dead by this point but hey, you never know.

BTW, this is really fun to read. Keep it up! :D
The Unknown Reviewer chapter 2 . 2/26/2003
Well, I believe I shall guess something on the 'coupling.' Since many people like to "bring characters back from the dead" I'm going to take a long-shotted guess that it is Midvalley the Hornfreak. Though, I am probably incorrect. It was worth a try. _;;
Paradoxxx chapter 2 . 2/26/2003
dude!Its MidvalleyxVash, isn't it! I know its Midvalley and someone causa the saxaphone.
Mowce chapter 1 . 2/24/2003
Woah.I'm stumped. have Kuroneko and a ? hm, maybe not.I'm way off, perhaps I should read it again! _; *sweatdrop*
The Unknown Reviewer chapter 1 . 2/24/2003
Well, I must admit, though excruciatingly short, I believe it has promise.