Reviews for Redemption of the Dragon King
Yakutka chapter 1 . 1/14
Будете ли, обновить этот фанфик. Мне он очень нравится, думаю многим нравится. Но всегда и везде будут не довольные люди. Поэтому прошу не обращай на этих неадекватов. Поскорее обнови все ваши истории (рассказы).
kuroshiragami0 chapter 28 . 12/15/2024
Excited for chapter 29 and this arc I want to see op fairy tail crew.
eri1282.ah chapter 28 . 12/14/2024
nice i like it
eri1282.ah chapter 1 . 12/13/2024
I like it
Hauck Killer chapter 26 . 12/12/2024
Plz update soon this is a great story ignore darthtanabris he doesn’t realize you did a Multi universe type of story this is on of best Naruto as a dragon/ acnologia stories I’ve read in a while I also like how you are using Godzilla kaiju and other dragons as dieties
Guest chapter 28 . 11/15/2024
This is interesting and awesome
Darth Tenibris2 chapter 2 . 10/30/2024
So it's just another moron who's going on and on about the same cliched bullshit that was so prevalent 20 years ago?

you overexaggerate Naruto's suffering to justify his childish outbursts at 2 people who literally died to protect Naruto.

It's always hilarious to see someone admit to their incompetence just outright like you.
KaratachiYagura chapter 6 . 10/8/2024
Well, reading this again, still as good as all this year's.
dunnant2793 chapter 20 . 9/18/2024
My birthday is Febuary 7th
Trevor Poston chapter 26 . 8/5/2024
Please, for the love of God I hope you keep the story going. This is amazing. I love
Refox6 chapter 28 . 7/13/2024
I can't wait for the next part
Guest chapter 28 . 7/4/2024
Great storyline looking forward next chapters
jeremiahkelley93 chapter 28 . 7/3/2024
Great chapter.
Azathot chapter 9 . 6/7/2024
Sad So bye Bye my friend
Azathot chapter 8 . 6/7/2024
i hope this became single pairing fanfiction
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