Reviews for Above the Walking Dead
Guest chapter 7 . 7/21/2018
I almost forgot how good this series was!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
zombie shows are terrible.
Mary chapter 8 . 7/17/2018
Sam spitting on the Colonel was great. DJ's revelations while defending himself to Benny was even better. Eli apologizing and explaining why he took her letter also very, very good. But my favorite part was the excitement of the kids when they saw the Columbia river. That was really neat.
Mary chapter 7 . 7/15/2018
I think I lost sleep last night over that ending. Rise&shine this morning and straight into another chapter. In ways it was another tough one, but with characters you're not so connected with, just yet. The aftermath with the kids was as heartbreaking as the traumatizing event itself. Thank heavens for DJ. Can this character please stay alive? Or is he there just to bring another child into the mix before someone or something kills him. I feel nervous allowing myself to become attached to his character.
Mary chapter 6 . 7/14/2018
Oh dear I don't think I can take any more of this. That was the saddest thing I have ever read.
Mary chapter 5 . 7/13/2018
GREG! My new favorite character!
Mary chapter 4 . 7/13/2018
I do not like that Matthew!
Mary chapter 3 . 7/12/2018
Oh I knew that Jax was bad.
Mary chapter 2 . 7/9/2018
Ohh what a twist with Scott and Fish's killer. I am so glad that little girl has him and his family to take care of her. That was a much better ending.
Mary chapter 1 . 7/8/2018
That was so horrible :(
The ending, not your story. That was good, until the end :(
Guest chapter 11 . 7/8/2018
So amazing and dying for more. Way to go dude!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/7/2018
BEST ONE YET! Wow! An emotional mess indeed! Eli, wow! I don't know the Evanescence song but the Unsteady one is perfect. Leo and the flashbacks at the beach were intense and that hug/gun to the head at the end, wow!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/7/2018
WOW! That was HEARTBREAKING! I am in SHOCK! I still can't believe Greg and then Rhett! Those poor poor kids :-(
Guest chapter 5 . 7/7/2018
This is incredible! On to the finale :-)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
really good!
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