Reviews for Above the Walking Dead
Snowflake chapter 2 . 2/11/2018
Thank you for a much better ending this episode. That first one was harsh! Great story so far. Format is hard to get use to though.
Brian chapter 3 . 2/11/2018
That ending was twisted! Matthew is twisted! Great series!
Robert chapter 6 . 2/4/2018
Robert chapter 5 . 2/3/2018
and just like that greg has become a HUGE character! can't wait for the finale!
Robert chapter 4 . 2/3/2018
those flashbacks! they are catching up to the present and i love how you see some of the same scenes from matthews perspective. and him being responsible for the zombie that showed up in episode 2! oh and i forgot to say how great that scene in the lake was. last episode when the zombies came up out of the water. not sure if i buy them walking the bottom like that but walking dead has done same type of stuff so it works. man this is good!
Robert chapter 3 . 2/3/2018
hahaha i can't believe i complained about the flashbacks i now love them. matt and his brother and sister are terrible but great characters and what an ending wow!
Robert chapter 2 . 2/3/2018
okay the flashbacks were WAY better in this episode. less confusing too.
Robert chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
the flashbacks were kind of confusing and not that interesting. but i liked those opening scenes with all the chaos and the ending was pretty dark, and pretty good.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/31/2018
Man that was great!
Tim chapter 6 . 1/25/2018
Ok wife was right this was pretty amazing. She warned me how brutal that ending was and she was not wrong. Great work!
Tim chapter 3 . 1/22/2018
My wife has been pestering me to read your story since Christmas. I started over the weekend and the first two were not so bad but this last episode has taught me what it is my wife was so impressed with it. Those new characters, and that ending was great! I will keep reading!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2018
Guest chapter 6 . 1/17/2018
100% EPIC!
Guest chapter 6 . 1/14/2018
Binge read all six episodes over night, very impressed! That ending was messed up. I didn't think it'd be that bad! Not sure if I can even pick a favorite episode they were all so good. I laughed at times and cried at times. Now I am ready to pass out even though I can' stop thinking about what I just read. My only complaint is Greg!
And I hate to say it but even though I didn't dislike Amy I am ok with her death.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
WAY better than I thought it'd be. Great job.
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