Reviews for Moments of Realization
LoneTraveler chapter 7 . 7/22
I’d really like to see Lily or James’ reaction!
LoneTraveler chapter 6 . 7/22
Riddle doesn’t forgive but he should be forgiven? She cannot be brought into the party, but he plans to bring Harriet into the party after she gets rid of Voldemort? It’s a little confusing. Harriet made a fool out of Riddle. He really aught to be angrier at least temporarily. Though not insane like Voldemort, Riddle the elder is a man that believes in vengeance.
Aster-Petrichor chapter 7 . 4/11/2023
Happy Stranger chapter 7 . 4/13/2020
This is so well written! All of them are acting in character! I love your work, thank you for this :)
roseareader chapter 7 . 3/6/2020
Wow! This is really good! I really get boret between Violet's updates, so this is a perfect tide over! Thank you!
ArthurianScribe chapter 2 . 8/24/2019
Oh my god. I love this chapter. Not only is Leo one of my favorite OCs of all time, but I have also considered the possibility that Hermione would be the one to give him the info he needed to put the pieces together and it was great to see this play out.
Astra Across the Stars chapter 7 . 8/8/2019
After reading the latest chapter of FAWL, I went back and read this...and I like these reveals sooooo much. This is how everyone should find out. I’m not kidding I think they’re brilliant. Hope you have a few more ideas for more that you couldn’t add because I love the ingenuity!
Elby chapter 7 . 6/1/2019
So brilliant! I'd love to see Lily's moment of realization, she's such a clever woman and I don't think the Quidditch slip-ups made by Harry would have escaped her. She'd have to keep it from James, too, because she knows what the consequences would be given his job, and I can see her doing anything to protect her daughter. Harry mightn't even realize how much that's true- like Archie's observation about the lights in her potions labs, a lot of Lily's love for Harry flies under the radar.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Life's a dream chapter 5 . 6/5/2018
I totally ship Archie/Hermione!Who else would be suited for Archie now that he's gone thru all of AIM (so far) by her side? Love it!
Life's a dream chapter 4 . 6/5/2018
OMG i loved Remus's chapter. His thoughts at the end particularly are brilliant. Preparing Harry more in her training - that sounds like one of the best ways he could support her. He's the best uncle! I wish I could've seen him connect Harry's reason for asking for more self-defense is also in correlation with what she has had to go through at school. It really is brilliantly written, thank you so much!
Vaughn Tyler chapter 7 . 4/9/2018
The Panda Goddess chapter 7 . 2/14/2018
haha, nice! I was wondering myself how each character might react to finding out, and I found these pretty accurate. I really like Rosier's especially.

I'd love to read your thoughts on Pansy, since I can never quite grasp her character, and Caelum too.
Elelith chapter 7 . 9/26/2017
Somehow I just discovered this now. These are really good, I love the flow of your writing. My favourite is probably Severus or Leo.

You manage, in each chapter, to make the realisations completely plausible. Hope you continue this - we need more Rigel Black fanfics of this caliber!
StarOfTime chapter 7 . 9/25/2017
That was good! I think it was perfectly plausible.

I'd like to see the Dominion Jewel reviewing Harry's memories. There would be many moments of realization there.
meek-bookworm chapter 5 . 9/25/2017
I think your Hermione voice is perfect. This is perfect. Thank you so much! If you write any Archie/Hermione set in the future you will have one very eager reader.
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