Reviews for Devil Take The Hindmost
gemini shawty chapter 2 . 12/14/2022
this is so adorable
The-Geek-Who-Lived chapter 47 . 9/27/2022
Please update... It's such a beautiful story.
L.Laufeson chapter 47 . 7/18/2022
please update I love your story
DalkonCledwin chapter 7 . 5/18/2022
Poor Cissa.
crazydavey chapter 7 . 2/23/2022
The picture of Harriet flying down the stairs on some sled yelling "wheeeee!" with a smiling Dobby chasing after as the Malfoy's come home was pretty hilarious lol. Actually, until the torture, it was pretty damn hilarious. It's funny how that can be right in the middle of the chapter, and yet for the most part the chapter seems rather sweet and fluffy with the Voldemort/Harriet interactions.
Guest chapter 47 . 2/4/2022
Great story, thanks for writing! Loved the take on the takeover of the Muggle world, the realtionships between characters, everything. Sad that it's not completed, but I had a lot of fun reading!
rose.chan27 chapter 47 . 1/23/2022
Hope you update soon!
VoidEmerald chapter 47 . 10/1/2021
This story is so good! Please update with what happened in the wider world...
Jaye chapter 29 . 9/26/2021
This story is trash…it was good then you made Sirius into a b.i.t.c.h, made Harry into a bigot towards Remus and made her not see an issue with using the word mudblood, now you made her kill Snape. I’m done with this shitty story
Hesrylle chapter 1 . 9/13/2021
Update thiss
Hesrylle chapter 28 . 9/13/2021
I luv when she’s being a brat! It’s so funny HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Spade Zi chapter 1 . 7/30/2021
Just a Spade casually dropping by
emmiekins20 chapter 47 . 3/22/2021
Hope you update soon xx
emmiekins20 chapter 45 . 3/22/2021
REJECTION! lmaooooo
emmiekins20 chapter 12 . 3/21/2021
I love them GOALS sinks a ship hahahaha
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