Reviews for Harry Potter: Lost Very Far Away
Batmanwolf738 chapter 19 . 12/29/2024
Why did you seem to make Harry way weaker now that he's on earth? Also Why wouldn't he just stay on his planet and wait till the future came?
Batmanwolf738 chapter 17 . 12/29/2024
Why would Harry stay on earth and not the greater galaxy?
avarath1 chapter 19 . 11/11/2024
Sounds like Harry caused Pandora’s death by shouting at her as she was casting, distracting her and causing her spell to backfire. And he doesnt realize it…
Rogue7 chapter 37 . 9/26/2024
Fantastic story, thank you for sharing it with us :)
Guest chapter 36 . 9/20/2024
You are a sick SOB, killing Dobby, Neville & Luna. You have no heart and deserve untold grief to hit you!
gryphan.master900 chapter 34 . 8/15/2024
This is where I abandon the story, I enjoyed it but killing a planet is going too far.
gryphan.master900 chapter 24 . 8/14/2024
The punishments Harry gave out seem way too extreme to me, especially Dumbledore, let the guy's soul free instead of trapping it for eternity. The siblings I actually feel sorry for, I'd have gone with the lust potion and a fertility potion but only make the fertility potion permanent, I'd give them permanent love potions though, them dying of dehydration because they are too busy fucking isn't something I'd want to happen.
gryphan.master900 chapter 18 . 8/14/2024
I'm hoping Luna will go the Immortality rout with Harry and explore the galaxy, if anyone would be immune to the 'age is wisdom' fallacy it would be her.
gryphan.master900 chapter 7 . 8/13/2024
im hating this sith arc
gryphan.master900 chapter 5 . 8/13/2024
70k for a jedi seems a little slim considering the risk, also is Harry unintentionally helping Palpatine?
MoinLeute chapter 18 . 7/31/2024
i find it quit sad that he just ignores everything else... He had tons of books and a slew of Holocrons where he can learn from, Master and Perfect his abilities, not to mention Cardia, his buisness and the Order/Government he wanted to build...
M2a chapter 37 . 7/14/2024
This os definitely ne of the stories you cannot but aside. No thatbit ended i feel satisfied but also somewhat sad...
Good story , well done!
jrjsmith0 chapter 25 . 7/3/2024
I wish there was a story where the MC isnt afraid of a title. Or extra responsibilities.
monkeywrench542 chapter 37 . 6/30/2024
Very enjoyable story. I do hope that a offshoot of the continuing adventures of Luna and Harry is possible. I look forward to reading your other stories.

monkeywrench542 chapter 23 . 6/30/2024
I very much loved the 30 pieces of silver reference.
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