Reviews for Harry Potter: Lost Very Far Away
monkeywrench542 chapter 23 . 6/30/2024
I very much loved the 30 pieces of silver reference.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/16/2024
il faux une puissance énaurme dans le coter obscir de la foce pour alimater agnérateur rakata.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/16/2024
la magir dans harry potter esr un noyau magic comme une baterie sétain est plus grand que d autre .la la foce est une sorte d énérgie de l univère .si harry utilise sa magie démarer la station il mourais
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16/2024
téchnologie rakata est une fusion de la tèchnologie et de la foce. pour l utiliser il faux ertres un utillisateur de la foce
Guest chapter 2 . 6/16/2024
les rakata n étais pas des humain
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2024
There's no fucking way this story had a beta reader, unless they were retarded.
Zaidee Lighthart chapter 37 . 6/12/2024
Loved this! Thank you for writing and sharing this with us.
Ken106348 chapter 7 . 5/3/2024
I wasn't going to commit. but this story is crap. Writing is disjointed and hard to follow at times. I have tried to read this story 5 times. It's just not worth it.
mayer0330 chapter 29 . 5/1/2024
Tamora Pierce’s “Wolf Speaker,” second in her “Immortals” series when Numair Salmeline turned Trystan, a yellow mage in Emperor Ozorne’s employ into a tree when he tried to kill Veralidaine Serrasri, Numair’s Wild Mage Apprentice. He also called the magic “Words of Power.”
Guest chapter 7 . 4/10/2024
Things getting resolved later doesn't mean it wasn't a shit plot point, especially when it is resolved badly.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/9/2024
Your story is intriguing but exceptionally difficult to read. The lacking of certain punctuation, bad sentence structures, and an illogical paragraph structure is the mechanical aspect of the problem. The structure of your story seems to be that of a Japanese light novel, where nearly every sentence is its own paragraph.

The other problem is the continuous time and sequence breaks with no connectivity in between, and the lack of overview of what's going on. You randomly jump from one idea to another, and often one time to another, and you give no indications of what Harry is trying to do and why.
l30rusty chapter 6 . 3/27/2024
so harrys just a evil murdering scumbag?
Silverdove1313 chapter 37 . 3/26/2024
That was well done. An immense undertaking clearly and one of care and patience. Thank you for the joy of your words and the craftsmanship of your story.
sylnael.floch chapter 37 . 3/25/2024
This, is a very good story.
cyanners chapter 37 . 3/24/2024
Incredible story. Thank you for this masterpiece. I totally didn't binge it over 3 days.
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