Reviews for Harry Potter: Lost Very Far Away
MattBlack chapter 11 . 12/31/2023
Why didn't Harry mention how THEY are throwing away thousands of years of tradition by blocking traditionalists from be coming masters... If the traditionalists had done the same both Yoda and Myec would still be knights... Aren't THEY arrogant? I'd say they are the arrogant ones... Path to the dark side, arrogance leads, hmhmhmmm...
Tonyorobsky chapter 6 . 12/26/2023
Chapters 5 and 6 were a massive turn off. It went from the protagonist being Harry Potter, to the protagonist being an OC using the body and magic of Harry Potter
DocCBM chapter 8 . 12/21/2023
Very cool
DocCBM chapter 7 . 12/21/2023
Nicely done
DocCBM chapter 6 . 12/21/2023
DocCBM chapter 5 . 12/21/2023
Oooo a cliffy
DocCBM chapter 4 . 12/21/2023
Going grey and pragmatic...nice
DocCBM chapter 3 . 12/21/2023
Nice cliffy
DocCBM chapter 2 . 12/21/2023
Interesting plot device. Will enjoy seeing how it develops.
DocCBM chapter 1 . 12/21/2023
Very interesting start
lx chapter 17 . 12/18/2023
Do you mean that a pathetic wizard is stronger than the force masters, dude Harry should be bulldozing the wizarding world with his strength but it seems he likes being pushed around like a p***y, I get that he will have to keep a low profile to avoid creating a paradox, but author thinking that harry potter universe magic is stronger than force then he is pretty dilutional like he should have at least tried to make different universe but here it says that he will be destroyed by a goblin by a freaking! GOBLIN, and given the way the story is progressing auhor would show voldie more powerful than darth vadar.
Tonyorobsky chapter 4 . 12/12/2023
Wow... After having a long sleep, Harry wakes so tired he's unable to properly cast a stunner?
Tonyorobsky chapter 2 . 12/12/2023
1-You should have had Harry Potter go into the veil shortly after Sirius, instead of this forced dance
2-You could have had Harry be interested in Luna before the fight at the ministry instead of this attraction coming out of nowhere
3-You could have had Harry and co be more prepared before going to the ministry (with the possible consequence of being on the run), instead of this forced way of having supplies ready
4-Halfway through chapter 2, Harry Potter is no longer Harry Potter in mind. He is now someone with adequate knowledge of biology and such to command a new body for himself... WTF?
MadMadMaud chapter 37 . 12/3/2023
Huh. You actually had his animagus form be useful and relevant. That's rare.
Royaussie chapter 37 . 12/1/2023
How do i nuy a ticket?.. wow
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