Reviews for What Have We Done?
DiscoSugit chapter 54 . 6/4/2022
Not just 'tearing' at this chapter... outright bawling!
GypsySoul05 chapter 75 . 4/6/2022
This was brilliant. I read it straight through, not even pausing to comment on each chapter (sorry about that).

I LOVE how strong you wrote Bella, and Rose was an amazing advocate. The story grew and grew with all the characters and the reality that it's ok not to be ok and to give yourself time to heal and grow was just perfect.

again I lived, devowered, and loved every chapter.
laura lou who chapter 75 . 3/16/2022
I am in love with this story! I love when Charlie mates with a vampire!
I appreciate this Bella finding her self and her voice. Thank you for writing this story!
BellaBerry12 chapter 74 . 3/6/2022
this is such a shit ending. she should moved on to someone else. what the actual hell is this? a guy can abuse and use you then come hopping back cuz he said he sowwy and was scared oh boo hoo. I am so happy I decided to skip once I realize where this was going and didn't waste my time.
BellaBerry12 chapter 26 . 3/6/2022
I really wish the chapters were put together so it wasn't so many chapters with like only 100 words each
katinki chapter 75 . 1/7/2022
This was fantastic! I really enjoyed Rosalie's perspective and how that changed all their paths. I really love Charlie becoming a vamp. Loved that it wasn't an easy road. Loved Edward being the one to come back and him having to face music of his own making.

Thank you for writing and sharing!
katinki chapter 74 . 1/7/2022
Ugh, very nicely done
katinki chapter 73 . 1/7/2022
I see you 1 Corinthians...

Nicely handled scene. Poignant and sensitive
katinki chapter 72 . 1/7/2022
Ah that's a nice parallel
katinki chapter 71 . 1/7/2022
Yasssssss Charlie
katinki chapter 70 . 1/7/2022
Go Bella! Give them the shit they deserve!
katinki chapter 67 . 1/7/2022
I really liked seeing Bella have a moment with each, especially Emmett.
katinki chapter 66 . 1/7/2022
Oh interesting! Loved the surprise of B showing up!
katinki chapter 58 . 1/7/2022
Yessss girl. Make his ass work for it
katinki chapter 56 . 1/7/2022
Oh shit! This is a nice turn. He needs to do some BEGGING.
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