Reviews for A Voice in the North
jzblue chapter 16 . 8/19/2024
It's still worth another read, tho i hope it gets an update soon.
MysticRising chapter 6 . 7/22/2024
Ah. Kay now we see the bit about some god and isekai and it's impact. Usually such an opening is utterly pointless and never referenced again in a story. It's great that it does hold meaning and made a sizable impact on the story. Greater still that it implies even more (i wonder if this will interact with the religion/gods of game of thrones)
MysticRising chapter 3 . 7/22/2024
Hello. New reader. Not sure what the first chapter was for. Could easily just start when he got reborn. Doesn't feel like it's important to the story.
But the other childhood chapters were good. It gives the foundation for his personality and relationships with others and how these experiences have affected him. NMely so far he feels trapped and awaits for freedom.
Aren Gisly chapter 16 . 5/25/2024
This is really good! TFTC
Aren Gisly chapter 2 . 5/24/2024
This is a really good Idea! And Ned's dialogue & the punishment? Felt real! Nice job!
M2R chapter 4 . 4/7/2024
eh, he seems to rely a lot on thuum, not confident in his mere sword skill eh.
AvidGamer1124 chapter 3 . 11/14/2023
Full knightly plate armor was only ~35 lbs. spread across the entire body. That's less than a modern soldier carries into battle. And plate armor was articulated enough that knights could summersault and cartwheel around if they wished. (Don't believe me? YouTube it)
This strange and misinformed belief that armor was so heavy and cumbersome that people would actually prefer not to use it is senseless. If it had such drastic downsides then it would have been used historically.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2023
Couldnt even finish first chapter, total hot garbage.
treviondrown chapter 3 . 6/15/2023
the MC is stupid like actually mentally deficient I would think someone who that teachings from the likes of pythonax would know there's something more to Wolf's blood than just superstition especially when he has come from nation that the daedric prince are influencing the world with their powers making some insane making others was making some obsessed with a far gone prophecy that has no real weight Anthony needs him not seen his own dragon personality coming out I mean half the things we were taught by the graveyards we're about controlling ourselves and then most of the stuff we talked about with parthenax was about our dragon soul driving us to domination and strength over everything but he sees none of this he's blinded by Petty childish anger which doesn't make sense for this character because even after his wife was raped by an entire town including the animals and then killed he didn't rage instead he took care of his in law AKA the shopkeeper guy and even then while he was dying literally on his deathbed being told his entire family would be turned into vampires along with the world he calmly made a decision to kill his in law rather than let the entire world be taken over by evil but he can't make it calm decision in the middle of a training exercise you can see the reason for why Ned would make him wear the padded armor to my understanding it's to teach him patience for some reason the dragonborn has like no concept of patience here even though he has in the past I mean he waited three weeks to catch someone off guard just so he can explode them when he could have done it way easier I just tracking the dude down with a simple spell I mean it's an adept spell I believe maybe novice but no he practice patience because it would give him a better shot at winning
MrMcNasty chapter 16 . 5/21/2023
Guest chapter 16 . 4/27/2023
Meh, the last few chapters kinda ruined the story for me.
shake774 chapter 3 . 3/10/2023
This feels more like a shity anime then anithing else seriously were the fuck is the maturity in this? Oh I know it's because this is a si.
boban094 chapter 16 . 2/16/2023
Hey, are you going to continue writing this story?
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30/2023
Cant ignore the fact that Camilla apparently had a train ran on her by several farm animals.
Strangelove.MD chapter 1 . 1/16/2023
Just found this fic today. What a great read.
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