Reviews for A better Empire
nightmaster000 chapter 1 . 1/3/2018
I admit to not knowing much about this series. But i've enjoyed your other stories so I was curious and thought I'd check it out. Once again your work does not disappoint even with a show I've never seen.

That Honest character is probably one of the most twisted people i've heard about. I mean what kind of monster would not only plan to kill a woman but eat her womb. I admit I actually felt kinda of sick when I read that bit.

So yeah great to see that guy get what he deserved.

But it seems a greater threat if not bigger monster though in a different way has taken his place as the villain.

I mean stealing a child's body your own descendant at that and than killing said child's parents. This Emperor Deus certainly proves himself ruthless when it comes to reaching his goals. Plus I have the feeling this Dream of his that he wants to reach will be a nightmare for a lot of people.

So while not familiar with Akame Ga Kiru, and I'll be honest and admit I probably enjoyed your other stories more. Though that probably had more to do with the fact I've never seen the show like I have JCA and WITCH, than this story's quality.

Anyway to summarize in the end despite not being familiar with the source I've enjoyed this first chapter, and I'll be sure to check out any future chapters as well.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2017
Please tell me you haven't give up on this fic, i really look forward to see what will happen, your oc are just too much interesting, the possibility that finally there is someone that can actually stand the ground against esdeath is something so exciting, don't give up on this, i think it's really a good start with very much potential
dgMax chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
I think that it's a quite good start. I would enjoy to read more. Please continue it, I'm very curious to see how it will continue