Reviews for The Enticement
Shiva-chan chapter 2 . 3/10/2003
I Love this story, pleas update soon!
Midnight Lady chapter 2 . 3/9/2003
oh yeah! jareth's being a kingly pain in the ass. way to go with that. i love how you're keeping him so in character. this story is great, can't wait until the next chapter. :D
Belladonna1 chapter 2 . 3/9/2003
Sexy story! I was hoping you would start another story, and you most certainly did not disappoint. Keep it up!

- Belladonna
Skye Haerrington chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
Wonderful. I expected nothing less. Jareth is being the perfect royal jerk, in both senses of the phrase. Sarah is going back and forth between teenager and mature adult. Its fantastic.

On a note wholly unrelated to me attempting to enlarge your ego at all costs, you seem really interested in Celtic things. It makes the story more interesting for me, because I love damn near all things Celtic.
Elisa-DU chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
0.0 oh. my god. you and your cliffhangers.
Winter M chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
o, i CANT wait where *this* little twist is going! please please pplleeaasee update soon!
Starlight chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
lol, back in business are we? I love the idea of her painting his bedroom and his , when's the next chapter comming out? Impatient little me says the sooner the better :-)
AvdRdr chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
Another great chapter! I have only one wasn't enough!

I want more! Please update soon! :)
dirty-faced-angel chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
oh my gosh! you HAVE to update soon, im hooked on this! you really are an AMAZING writer
SqueezyStan chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
Dammit! A most excellent chapter. Now I'm gonna have to wait a while to get more. !
Jenny chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
Love it. Upload soon please, this is very interesting.
terrie chapter 2 . 3/8/2003
omg ah there right there you had too didnt you oh come on i wanted to see the look of surprize on sarahs face when he said that (huff) but. i guess you had to leave that for next time

man ok i'm an eagger beaver now only 2 ch into this story and i'm already deeply hooked on it

and their talking its not being the most plesant to each other but their talking

and since you left it right there i realy realy cant wait for the next ch please be quick like a bunny an hop to it *G*
WR chapter 1 . 3/8/2003
Quality work. Thanks for the quick update :)

*rereads Chapter 2, resumes waiting*
K L Morgan chapter 2 . 3/7/2003
"I can understand why you've got a maze fixing you up with women. You obviously don't know how to go about it."

*prolonged (and muffled) shrieks of laughter as Kat covers he face with a pillow*

THAT was worth the price of admission.

Yummily angstalicious and interesting, as always. I eagerly await more.
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