Reviews for The White Wolf of Westeros
Eoftar chapter 21 . 10/23/2024
I remember reading this story years ago. The last update I remember was about Ciri, Dany, and a vision of sorts? Again, been years. Just rewatched the entire show and decided to re-read the story again. Glad you're still at it - many good stories from around here and the last time I visited the site have been sadly abandoned for one reason or the other.

I like the story. Everyone, especially Geralt, seems to be in character. A few grammar mistakes here and there, but not jarring.

Honestly, what I don't really like is that you were unwilling to change the story very much. While some minor plotlines were changed and new ones add, the major ones remain basically intact. That seems unlikely, given what a chaotic element Geralt is. Logic demands a more powerful ripples in the events, more changes. Though I understand why one would decide against such changes - it is really difficult to change a story and stay true to characters, to predict what or why they would do. It takes more stress on the writer, which is a very ungrateful craft by nature. It's a gamble - if an audience would accept these changes or not.

Anyway, good luck out there! Wish you bountiful inspiration!
SpudyPotato chapter 59 . 7/2/2024
Great to see a new chapter, almost missed it due to 's notification issues.
Really enjoying it!
fantasywind chapter 48 . 6/12/2024
What can I say...this is AMAZING story! Monumental work! Great job in making use of the Witcher book lore (and games of course :), Gaunter, the Crones being used...simply amazing :)) and still also epxloring your new ideas and inventions, the Grims the Grand Warlock Kai etc. (heh by the way the Grims and their plan, basically their attempt at a sort of revolution of sorts, improving the lives of the people hehe in a way it reminds of Skellen from witcher books and his dreams of introducing democracy in Nilfgaard hehehe...futile dreams as he schemed with the nilfgaardian nobles of course:

"Skellen: It is necessary to put an end to the absolute tyranny and establish a constitutional monarchy. And after a democracy…

Vilgefortz: A what?

Skellen: A government of the people. A system in which people rule. Ordinary citizens of all backgrounds, through the most worth and honourable representatives arising from fair elections…"/
"Because the people are ignorant, stupid, and easy to manipulate," Skellen finished the sentence, after he had himself a sneeze. "You need only ‘Hurrah!' and make a speech from the senate steps promising to open the prisons and cut the taxes."

"You are absolutely right, Owl," said the syllable stretcher. "Now I know why you shout so loudly for democracy."

:)) but the Grims plan seems to far reaching, they are dealing even into the education of the smallfolk and all that, this kind of reminds me and how it compares to the witcher world, which while also feudal with lords and aristocracy, in many ways also differs from the treatment of the smallfolk in Westeros, in the witcher world, in the norhtern realms, at least in some of the northern kingdoms, even the low peasants got some basics of education hehe I am reminded of the quote from Sapkowski's geneaologies where he mentioned one of the past kings of Temeria introducing the schooling system for the common folk :) king Griffin and these elementary schools were also nicknamed after said king hehe though of course also the priests of various cults and temples in witcher world dealt with education, temple schools were teaching commoners to write and read. The Grims introducing the modern tech...this will be interesting (and also reminds me of the witcher novel Season of Stroms mentioning how mages controlled such developments in the witcher world, Ortolan inventions including some sort of weaponry, explosives and the like). goodness I have so so many thoughts, about every single chapter, I could go ranting for hours. I like how Geralt interacts with and gets along with many of the ASOIAF characters, and I like Ciri growing bond with Daenerys, I like how the past of both Geralt and Ciri the book events are referenced, including Geralt's adventures from short stories as tales of his exploits, and how Ciri's is coming to terms with her past (the visions in the House of was amazing job! So great moment!). Gaunter O'Dimm playing the 'guide' to Geralt almost in some of the scenes hehe, such delightful little moments. Also in the early chapters I was wondering if maybe Geralt's presence wouldn't cause even bigger what if Robert Baratheon survived or Lady was spared (and how it would affect Sansa, would she also manifest the abiltiies etc. the Bran scenes with Geralt using his magic expertise to talk about his also reminded me of Ciri's younger years when she also could see events in the 'present' far away, also in a way looking through animal eyes at one point...there was this scene in Blood of Elves where she seemed to be looking through cat's eyes observing Geralt in Oxenfurt). As I said I like how Geralt seems to be affecting the world around him getting more involved in the worldly affairs against his volition hehe, but also how he seems to get to people and make friends among the vast array of characters, Tyrion, Bronn, Davos Seaworth, Beric, Thoros etc. the Stark children and Ned and so much more...hell I believe that even it would be possible for Geralt and Sandor Clegane to develop a grudging respect for each other and a sort of tough friendship hehe even though in the story they seem hostile in a sort of rivalry to one another, though I guess I'm just influenced by the Lannisters in War of the Ring fanfic Lotr/ASOIAF crossover where Sandor was on his redemption arc, interacting with Gandalf, Aragorn and Fellowship members heheh (by the way why there is so few Lord of the Rings and Witcher crossovers?! Those worlds are suited for such hehhe...hell I can only imagine what with your skill and inventivness how a potential Lotr crossover whether with ASong of Ice and Fire or Witcher would look like :) maybe you can consider that hahah. This story is really entertaining! Keep up the good work!
prinzjay1998 chapter 7 . 6/6/2024
Smh this is just canon but with Geralt in it. When is he gonna make a difference? One thing I despise the most in crossovers is being canon compliant. Like what's even the point of inserting a foreign character into the verse if I'm reading canon anyways. I'll just the read the original books then. It's much better written anyways.
trjz chapter 59 . 5/26/2024
glad to see the update
Antianti12 chapter 2 . 5/24/2024
I members trying to read this before don't know why I stopped. I will say however you said that solider fought in Robert's rebellion 25years ago that's wrong if you got by books it was 14 and show was 16 years ago.
ThatIndieReviewer chapter 59 . 5/21/2024
Not going to lie, I was kinda hoping we’d finally see Ser Barristan and Syrio after Dany landed in Astapor, showing up looking like assassins and saving them, giving Ciri an update about Geralt. Oh well, soon, I guess.
However, I’m torn. On one hand, stretching out this story with everyone making allies after tedious deals and fear of duplicitous betrayals would take ages. On the other hand these are core tenants of GOT that made it so compelling and we seem to be hand waving years of paranoia and fear in favour of getting the plot moving.
I do like that Dany is already making bigger plans and that the reasons for not attacking Westeros was logically sound to her Qarth supporters. It would have been messy and awkward if they started complaining about throwing away their livelihoods in Quarth to follow Dany and then she changes her mind.
W8W chapter 59 . 5/15/2024
So Daenerys have doubt about her goals. Still she is loyal to her allies offering them alternative as tempting as original offer.

City rot is obvious, making taking it over look as good choice. I really like plans they make.

Ciri is right that her teleporting and taking down masters would end fight very fast.

Ciri and Jorah talking about their past mistakes was really nice scene.

So Jon figure out what he wants to do little faster and while it is monumental task him being honest with Ygritte allow him not to alienate her. I am really curious how they plan will work out.
Jon Snow chapter 59 . 5/12/2024
I feel sorry for the Unsullied.

Jorah's ex-wife sucks.

Ygritte loves Jon.
coronadomontes chapter 59 . 5/13/2024
rivia10 chapter 59 . 5/13/2024
Of course a very quiet chapter but still pretty interesting. The fact that Dany has already almost given up the Iron Throne or has made it clear to at least everyone the serious possibility that this could no longer be their ultimate goal was a surprise (also a risk if Harito and Siranea had had little understanding for such a change in plans. ) also that she has already planned so precisely to overthrow the masters where the canon was almost more of an impulsive decision. In any case, everything should run without less chaos and unnecessary deaths as organized as it is now. It was interesting to learn more about the situation in Astapor and how our characters can use it to their advantage. Apart from the small people, getting the rich to ther side can definitely be very, very useful. My highlight was the conversation between Ciri and Johra. It was well done written how Ciri clearly didn't expect this and was shocked because befor from her point of view Jorah seemed like a perfect person. but she still can't condemn ihm with the mistakes she made in her own past. Geralt would probably have hesitated a little more to forgive Jorah straight away Ciri would also have had less understanding until a few months ago. before her visions in the House of the Undying the showed her her past once again with her current perspective and older prudent mind. the experience in the house gave her a certain character development that she developed more understanding that everyone made mistakes sometimes. I'm curious whether this understanding could help Jorah confess that he used to spy on Dany, as I still see this as the only way that he won't be sent away by Dany if he say it voluntarily to her. gutes chapter in the build up to the first big confrontation with the masters and in good character interaction. I'm looking forward to the next chapter in the north.
theronjohn325 chapter 59 . 5/12/2024
Oof... life hit you with some hard haymakers, huh? That's how it be sometimes, unfortunately. Glad to see you're still sticking it out, though.

I know I'll be sticking around until the end, this story is just great, my guy.

See you in the next update!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/10/2024
Admito que no se , en las historias de los personajes de MHA transportados a otro niverso en 1 Crossover entre Marve y MHA , cuantos fueron transportados

Y tal vez si planteo algo diferete y por ende mas osoado si hizo un buen trabajo

Pero no siento que la sinopsis que planteo sea un buen trabajo

Sibrer todo por que esta muy repetida en varios fics de diferentes series , MHA entre ellas
Arch-Daishou00 chapter 59 . 5/12/2024
Can understand fully how life gets to you. I hope for better times ahead for you and all of us.
BrutusPrimus chapter 59 . 5/11/2024
This chapter did not disappoint! Glad you’re back, regardless of life’s constraints
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