Reviews for Growing Legacy
Animeworld2.0 chapter 5 . 10/27

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I will give proper credit in the description of your story, will also share video link under your story review for your view and we respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am ready to make changes according to your preferences.

I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

Thank you...
Stacy Damato3 chapter 23 . 9/28
Please update this story is so good
ayame992 chapter 7 . 9/19
I really love your story! It's creative and unique! Also like the characters' personality especially how the kids gang up to help and protect Luna! Also a question: did you ever try Goulash or are you familiar with hungarian culture? I am hungarian and I was really surprised to see this dish served on the ballI'll go back to read! Greetings!
Lewis James Potter chapter 23 . 7/28
Great Story!
Guest chapter 23 . 6/22
good story
Guest chapter 10 . 2/27
I'm surprised that the Patil twins would say such things; I thought it was canon that Parselmouths are revered in India. Between Nagas and just having a country that's got a lot of venomous snakes, Parselmouths make good neighbors to have!

..I wonder if their parents know they said that~? :}
bookwormtx chapter 23 . 2/11
Great story I like the first one better but this one was a good continuation but it was way too short and it ended with so many unanswered questions
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2023
Idk man I like the first story but this one was … weird
Steve-Arkarian chapter 23 . 11/22/2023
This was a really good story and a good sequel. I hope at some point you finished the sequel to this one as well.
jobv.rens chapter 21 . 11/14/2023
In the broom part of the chapter you call septimus Regis and Harrison Regis by the name of septimus prince and haiden prince.
just letting you know .
I really like your story got me hooked from the first chapter .
apls79 chapter 12 . 11/7/2023
I have been pondering a thought over tye last few chapters.. in a previous chapter, it was stated that Dumbledore was forgiven because he apparently was the one to save Ginny Weasley from Tom Riddle’s memory in the chamber or Secrets…. In order to get into the chamber of secrets one has to either be a Parselmouth or be picessed by a parselmouth (as was the case with Ginny). This would suggest thT Dumbledore himself is a parselmouth. How is it then that besides Tom Riddle/Voldemort being a parselmouth, Dumbledore projects such animosity towards other Parselmouths if he himself is being portrayed as one?
laloudu77 chapter 23 . 10/28/2023
Why say twice that Septimus is Harrison’s father in Tom’s POV?
FairyofProtection chapter 23 . 10/26/2023
Tom bless your soul
FairyofProtection chapter 16 . 10/25/2023
Finally a competent Fudge
FairyofProtection chapter 15 . 10/25/2023
Oeh another Patil, another one that is not going to be happy about what Padma and Parvati did
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