Reviews for One Last Year
Cal chapter 45 . 1/9
I've read this story so many times for a few years now. Coming back to it often. I only ever played breath of the wild a few times. Hell I've probably read this story for more time than I've played the game. This story is amazing. The characters and their dynamics and how I just can't get enough of it. Every time I restart it I get sad that it will end. You've done fantastic work. Easily my favorite fanfiction I've read and I've read a shitload. This one always brings me back to it. Again, great job. And thank you, for your writing.

Thirza-1984 chapter 45 . 12/12/2024
good story, loved every bit of it, it however did confuse me as to why the flashbacks were in Link’s pov, but now I do understand. thanks for this funny plottwist
FC chapter 1 . 9/13/2024
This will definitely seem entirely out of left field. You don't have to believe me.
And that's the beauty of it.
And yes.
I wrote all of this.
If you'll do me one favor. At least send this to anyone else who may understand.
You don't have to.
And that's the beauty of it.

This comment was originally posted by me for askyouruncle on his mgsv sucks and I love it full comp, his ac revelations vid, and the community post he made not to long ago about ac 3 running on computers in Boston.

This is the same comment but it applies to you and everyone, trust me.

Everyone should know the TRUTH about life.

The TRUTH is... YOU

And me.

All of us.

True freedom is a declaration of independence from everything. Good, evil, yourself, others, God(hear me out), and to know this grants us true freedom and that is beautiful. And to do the right thing, to be good, to follow God, not in spite of but because of this... that is true good, true righteousness. Everything is permitted but that doesn't mean we SHOULD do everything. The TRUTH is everything. About reality, ourselves, the good and the parts we tell ourselves is the horn. It's always just been us. To know yourself and to trust yourself is true peace. That is the path. Not to fight entropy, but to accept that it and everything else is the natural way of reality and humans and we have the freedom to govern our reality. That is the meaning of life. Thank you. Without you, and God, and all the other people and influences and thoughts and actions in my life would I have been able to figure this out. You have done something truly special Joey. You can rest now. Thank you all. Thank God. I love God and I love all of you. Yes. Even specifically you. I may never have met you but I know: Whoever you are you have the power inside you to find this truth. THE TRUTH. Godspeed.


P.S Ocelot was on the phone with Vidic and he also narrated PW.

Action Button reviews boku no natsuyasumi section 5 "I love everyone. And you can too"
King Damage chapter 9 . 9/3/2024
Its super wild that Zelda, who has earned nothing and been given everything by birthright of being princess is giving Link a hard time about not earning his place and just everything being gifted to him because of who he was being choose by the sword and not earning it.

She has 0 self awareness
MerlinPerseusEmrysJackson chapter 45 . 3/7/2024
nelsyv chapter 45 . 1/1/2024
After binging the first in a day or two, and then taking a few days off to recover from it, I've finally finished.

That was... Beautiful. Masterfully evocative, brilliantly bittersweet, and far exceeded your goals, I think. I've spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours in BotW, and this made me feel all the same things as my very first playthrough, years ago... but even deeper, more powerful. The romance was excellent, certainly one of the best on this entire site, and the third act was an exercise in relentless excellence. OP, you should be proud of this one. It's art.
MakaylaCO chapter 45 . 12/26/2023
Absolutely PERFECT in every way possible. More than once I had to pause reading because I exploded with emotion. My favorite story by far, I’ll read it probably another 1000 times again XD Perfect no doubt
Chesterton chapter 43 . 12/20/2023
Youre a monster for making me wait…gosh i hate slow burns.

Also damn well dome this was an incredible story. Not my type of storybut thats not your fault.
Chesterton chapter 33 . 12/20/2023
Is there ever romance or are you just obsessed with angst…jeez.

Phenomenally written but man i came for romance and fluff and have been…disappointed. You match the tone of the game very well. Anyways give me romance before link dies
Red Lion chapter 45 . 12/3/2023
3 words. This. Is. Canon.

I’ve played almost every Zelda game there is. I got Tears of the Kingdom this year and I had said it’s my favorite Zelda game of them all, but your story just made me seriously reconsider making Breath of the Wild my favorite. I really really wish Nintendo had done what you did. There is so much unsaid and the memories only give us so much. The concept of Zelda holding off Ganon for a hundred years made me cry. It really opened my eyes to how terrifying and emotionally scarring that would have been, and if you play the game without this story, it’s very hard to think about that kind of thing.

I also liked how you (almost) led directly into ToTK. So accurate in your predictions! This story makes the end of that game even better in my opinion. Ugh it’s just so good! In fact I will even go as far to say it’s changed my entire Botw/Totk perspective.

Thanks for all the blood sweat and tears (oh so many!) you put into this. Much appreciated!
0086Evanescence chapter 1 . 11/15/2023
You're a genius at writing. The greatest work of all.
Syltphademus chapter 45 . 10/6/2023
Wonderful. Thank you.
CJ Racing chapter 45 . 9/9/2023
I'm not very good at commenting, so I'll just say thank you for writing such an incredible, beautiful piece, one of the best fics I have read, so much love and grief and heartbreak and hope, so many emotions and done so very well. Zelink forever!
Merhada chapter 31 . 9/2/2023
Hear me out!

The Gerudo version of the game is Rich Voe, Poor Voe and the winner is deemed the former name and the loser gets the latter name.

The Zora version of the game is Big Fish, Little Fish, and the former is the winner and the latter is the loser.

So by what Link says about the Hylian version, would it be called King Asshole. Because thats brilliant.

“Eh mate lets play this, King Asshole.”

“What did you just call me?!”

“Its the name of the game, relax”
Merhada chapter 23 . 9/2/2023
Damn! Why does mother have to be correct! XD
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