Reviews for One Last Year
sacke110 chapter 34 . 1/28/2020
Ah, the dream.
Oof, she will probably not get that present from the order.
Why did that feel like a last farewell from Groose? A stab in my heart it was.
The supper was... nice, hopeful.

I’m extremely curious to why her powers took so long to appear. I wonder if it’s adressed in the game. I mean I have a theory of my own but it’d be nice to have an actual reason.
sacke110 chapter 33 . 1/28/2020
Man, gotta love Link’s reaction to Zelda’s horse naming skills. And Link’s conversation with Wisdom too, that was great.
”If I get a chance to start over, I will do better next time.” DAMN, that was kind of depressing to read, knowing that that’s exactly what will happen.
The conversations they had while riding were nice to read, I really love these interactions.

Ah, my heart... He planned on pledginng himself after the pilgrimage. The sadness is overflowing.
On that note, this story is almost at that point huh? Damn, I always read too fast.
sacke110 chapter 32 . 1/28/2020
I was at first thinking that ”wow, Kohga was found out already?” Then I realized that I’ve read 32 out of 45 chapters. So maybe not that soon.
I have to say that I absolutely LOVE what you have done with Groose in this story. He’s such a great character!
Also, nice going there at the end Link!
sacke110 chapter 31 . 1/28/2020
I am truly amazed at how you could’ve called a weekly schedule slow. That’s extremely fast.
Damn, that picnic was enjoyable to read. And the part where Link and Revali had to lean on eachother to get to the barracks was hilarious.
Welp.. this chapter sure ended with a chill down my spine.
illereyn chapter 45 . 1/28/2020
What an epic! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I stayed up all night because I couldn't bear to put this down! Love your characterisation and your exploration of grief, love, choice. Also the misunderstanding between Link and Zelda had me both groaning at the reminder of being a teenager and being charmed. I'm so glad they cleared up things between them.
sacke110 chapter 30 . 1/26/2020
Even more emotions! My poor heart!
It was really nice reading the part with him sitting ourside of her tent, just being a silent comfort.
sacke110 chapter 29 . 1/26/2020
this chapter was very emotional, to say the least. I really feel for Zelda.
sacke110 chapter 28 . 1/26/2020
I don’t have the patience to read this after I finish botw, I already have 100h but am nowhere near the end.

Haha! Groose mentioned that praying might not be the key, I may have been on to something.
He started feeling strange around Kohga, nice. I wonder if he’ll figure it out.
Leiram23 chapter 1 . 1/24/2020
Wow, this is no doubt the best Legend of Zelda fanfic I’ve ever read. It made me laugh and cry so hard, kept me up so many late nights... It was a totally wonderful experience. Thank you very much for writing such a beautiful story about my OTP, your talent is seriously amazing. I’ll gladly read anything you create from now on. Take care and once again, thank you for sharing this masterpiece.
Guest chapter 45 . 1/20/2020
I homestly couldn't stop reading, great work. I love this pairing, especially from BotW, and it is heart warming to see them get a happy ending, though so realistic to know they wouldn't simply forget those whose lives were lost in the long conflict. Those who were important to them. Great work, and thank you for sharing it with us.
hahy4040 chapter 45 . 1/18/2020
This might just be my favorite fic on this site, ever. Serious kudos to you, thanks for writing this wonderful fic.

sacke110 chapter 28 . 1/12/2020
I want to read, but I don’t want the flashbacks to be spoiled for me.. uuugh, gonna be another 60h at least before I finish the game.
sacke110 chapter 27 . 1/12/2020
My theory is that the day that Zelda was born on, the so called godless day, is in fact the sole day of goddess Hylia, and that her day is the day to pray. Maybe.
Or.. it’s just one of those things when her powers awakens last moment.
sacke110 chapter 26 . 1/11/2020
Mipha was pretty short for a Zora, wasn’t she? Maybe she hadn’t grown enough since she was young.
Hah, a kiss. And oh boy was Zelda jealous.
This chapter was really jouful, I’m enjoying this while it lasts.

I just thought how weird it will be to keep playing botw, this will be the only thing i think of, haha!
sacke110 chapter 25 . 1/11/2020
Ah, the good old trick of ending a calm and lovely chapter with a sad reminder that everyone is gonna die.
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