Reviews for One Last Year
it's simply me chapter 33 . 7/31/2021
"she began to hum to herself, the one he'd taught her, and suddenly the heat inside him faded, replaced with warmth"
This is what love is. It's about those smaller things that just make your day.
What a wonderful chapter! We haven't had one purely dedicated to these two alone, since link's birthday that is. You write them so well, they just feel so good together!
it's simply me chapter 32 . 7/31/2021
This. THIS chapter is why I adore this story. To feel the same pride, the warmth flow through, as the Order share this silent victory of loyalty, and that *I* felt it right along with them is a mark of such fantastic, involving writing, and it leaves me in awe. Well freaking done. It is as Link said at the end, though the night had been terrible, I feel victorious!
Hahahaha, I apologize for the corniness :P
it's simply me chapter 31 . 7/31/2021
That cliffhanger! Of COURSE it had to be when they're all drunk, of COURSE.

But what a beautiful, much needed breather of a chapter. Just the drink of fresh air we needed. And how bittersweet, knowing what the future holds. It was so nice seeing Link and Rivali getting along. Urbosa is just coolness incarnate. And that paper-crown, awwww 3
it's simply me chapter 30 . 7/31/2021
This slow build-up has been flawless. Throughout the story, you've been building Zelda's frustration, her father's with her, and the pressure on her, all to reach this breaking point. This chapter simply would not have the powerful effect it does without this over-arching theme that you've portrayed so well. This is why slow-burns, when done well (and this one is flawless), are just the most powerful kind of story. Link comforting her, and Zelda genuinely appreciating that - it all just hits so perfectly
it's simply me chapter 27 . 7/30/2021
Link deserves the world - THIS BOY IS TOO DARNED PRECIOUS! Please grant him a happy ending *prays alongside Zelda*
it's simply me chapter 23 . 7/30/2021
Slow burns are just the best, aren't they?
You know, this makes me realize something I deeply appreciate with your writing; one of the example I can think of is at the very start, their first argument was on Zelda's real birthday, and Link realized that later and felt guilty, but he still never brought it up or apologized. Most stories would jump at a chance for 'bonding', but this is real. Sometimes you realize, but there's no way you can go back to a moment, you just have to let it pass, and do better. But then of course, he doesn't do better, keeps NOT putting himself in her shoes, as flawed humans tend to do.
And these kind or real life scenarios that you place in just makes the story so much more alive. There's so many more examples scattered throughout this fic, but these are the example I could think of. Sorry for waffling, and this not really being about the chapter, but it was just something I appreciated as a whole :P
it's simply me chapter 19 . 7/30/2021
"Thank you...and... I'm sorry..."
"...that's it?"
LMAO that is literally the perfect ice breaker for these two! I'm so glad they didn't actually let it slide. I remember a few chapters ago, when they'd fought and reconciled a bit, and Zelda goes something like "Sir Link...that mushroom please..."
I thought for sure he'd burst out laughing at that, but no, he said nothing, OF COURSE. So to see this time they used it well made me so, so very happy :')
it's simply me chapter 18 . 7/30/2021
Oh wow. Nailed it, as always, their interaction. They're such teenagers, I swear, and it's just so perfect I can't handle it. They're SO CLOSE to understanding each other, so close to understanding feelings, and I just can't stop reading until they do!
it's simply me chapter 13 . 7/29/2021
The way you wrote fear was impeccable! I felt fear, there's no one I could trust, and at any moment I felt like a fight to the death was about to begin. Writing fear so perfectly is a difficult task, so I applaud you for it. Even Link's ride back felt hasty and desperate and scary. Superb writing, truly
it's simply me chapter 11 . 7/29/2021
PERFECTION of a chapter! Absolutely flawless; their entire interaction was seamless, perfect, the chemistry electric and the tension palpable to say the least. Next chapter- must read- NOW THANK YOU
Urutiyori chapter 45 . 7/29/2021
This story!
ZomDem chapter 45 . 7/28/2021
Thank you. This story was lovely all the way through, and I enjoyed every second of it. You really captured the Breath of the Wild vibe. 10/10 would enjoy again
Cachata chapter 45 . 7/21/2021
I loved this story wholeheartedly. It is without a doubt my favourite fanfiction. I found so many of the little scenes between Link and Zelda, especially their dance without music, to be amazing. They evoked feelings within me that I can't quite describe. Their interactions and their love for each other were written masterfully. I also greatly enjoyed many of the other parts such as Link's time outside Gerudo town (It might be my favourite part of the story) and the downfall of Hyrule evoked such intense feelings of grief. Link and Grooses' interactions were amusing to read, and when they parted ways, it was heartbreaking. I will definitely read more of your works in the future.
Busterm chapter 45 . 6/30/2021
10/10 this is the best fanfic I have read
Taura Callisto chapter 45 . 6/30/2021
Loved it! So very well written! I especially liked that even though Zelda was technically telling her story of the past we were actually seeing what Link remembered of it instead.
OoT is also one of my favorite games ever, so it was a bit disheartening to come across the ranch ruins. I tried piecing it back together in my mind to see if remains were truly in the correct spots.
I’ve grown up in Zelda (I’m one of those old farts who played the original stuff) and my first ever venture into FanFiction some 20 odd years ago was actually a Zelda fic I happened across on the internet. So coming across your story was a refreshing walk down memory lane. Keep up the good work
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