Reviews for Avenger Goddess |
![]() ![]() ![]() I admit I like Avengers of Steel better than this one, and this chapter shows why. Avenger of Steel is more linear while this one seems to be a nesting egg of stories. In this one alone we had the backstory of a goddess events of World War II and the first Iron Man movie. Cramming that all into one chapter made it feel loaded and confusing. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Interesting fact: Majdanek was actually a real concentration camp. It was the first big concentration camp captured by the Allied Forces before the Nazis had the chance to destroy the evidence, finally giving them an idea of the horrors going on in those places. In real life, it was captured in July, 1944, by the Red Army. One of the best things about this story is the fact that you do research like this and put it in. |
![]() ![]() I'd rather have "Avenger Arrow" be Reyel's next story than whatever Saiyans4ever is proposing. |
![]() ![]() Didn't you already try this a while back, Saiyans4ever? |
![]() ![]() I have to ask. Are you an anime fan? If so I have to ask. Are you a Dragon Ball Fan? If so I have a challenge for you. Are you up for it? The Genre is Adventure/Fantasy It is rated T. It is a Dragon Ball and old school Marvel Comics crossover. The Marvelous Monkey King Part 0: Character depictions. All the characters are as cannon like as possible but they also grow for the better. Son Goku eventually becomes the character we see in the original English dub after growing as a person. Son Goku is also given proper credit for all his heroics. But the major exceptions are Raditz who along with Nappa and Vegeta turn good. The Marvelous Monkey King Part 1: The World of the Story. The Universe of the story has elements of the main Dragon Ball Universe with the Kai's and all of the Alien races in Dragon Ball but also the Marvel Cosmic Hierarchy, with all the Gods of Earth in the Marvel Universe as well as Marvel's Cosmic Entities, and Marvel's alien races along with elements from Marvel Earth 616 and various other Marvel universes for whatever world you want to make. But their are some changes to the Dragon Ball Universe going into later Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. 1. The position of Guardian of Earth is one that the Gods of Earth's Legends created to act as a messenger as well as be their emissary and ambassador to the Kai’s and the other cosmic realms and to the other world's Gods. And he is also meant to be the protector of Earth but is still mortal hence why their is more than one but they all have God Ki. Shin and Old Kai are not the only surviving Supreme Kai’s of Goku's universe. The Supreme Kai Avatars in Dragon Ball Heroes are here. They are Shin’s juniors. After the fight with Kid Buu the Supreme Kai's that were absorbed are restored and work to train the new generation of Kai's and create life and heal the damaged universe. Between the end of Z and the beginning of Dragon Ball GT Shin’s juniors reach Super Saiyan Blue levels of power. The Supreme Kai is meant to create new worlds and races to seed the universe they inhabit with life and they have to report to the Living Tribunal. Dabura and The Demon Gods in the Dragon Ball Xenoverse and Dragon Ball Heroes games are here for the events of the Buu Saga. 2. Their are no Gods of Destruction. Galactus fills that role and his traditional one. The Dragon Ball Angels serve under the actual Biblical Angels in Marvel Comics as well as the Angels in the Tenth Realm. However their is no Xeno or Grand Priest as, Yahweh who is Marvel Comics, The Inbetweener, The One Above All, and The Living Tribunal all fill that role. 3. Bardock convinced the Saiyans of Freiza’s attempt to wipe them out and there are enough survivors for the Universe Seven Saiyans to not be on the edge of extinction or need to breed with other species to survive. The Saiyans reform and work to get revenge on Freiza. Bardock becomes a mixture of his Episode of Bardock incarnation and his Dragon Ball Super incarnation with his powers and character development. 4. The main cast are children when you start the story and become teenagers when you go into the later parts of Dragon Ball. All the main characters are in their twenties when you go into Dragon Ball Z and their thirties when you go into Dragon Ball Super. In Dragon Ball GT they reach their 40’s. 5. Frieza's Empire is a political equal to the Kree and the Skrull empires and so is the Galactic Patrol. The Marvelous Monkey King Part 2: The Adventures of Son Goku. Son Goku has to crash on Earth but is raised in Kun-Lung until he decides to go into the world. Son Goku's starting adventures are the like the early days of Dragon Ball but it is both Bulma and Betsy Braddock who seek out the Dragon Balls and that is how they meet Goku. Son Goku gradually becomes aware of the larger world of the Marvel Universe in his travels. Goku after his first adventure eventually meets the various super hero teams of Earth and then goes down the latter events of Dragon Ball. Goku also has to join The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, and The X-Men on several adventures when he gets older. Goku when he grows up goes down the events of Dragon Ball Z, but somewhat altered as Raditz, Nappa, and also Vegeta turn good and also the best events of Dragon Ball Super(Such as saving Trunk's Future for good)along with some of major events of the Marvel 616 Earth and elements of Dragon Ball GT for the finale. The Marvelous Monkey King Part 3: The Powers of the Main Saiyans. Over the course of the story Goku gains everything he has officially including filler to have a chance against the major villains of Marvel and Dragon Ball to prove himself as one of the best to keep up with Marvel's heavy hitters. Son Goku works to get everything he has from Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super. And Son Goku also gets all his various power ups and eventually gets all the abilities and transformations he has from filler and also the non serial films and in the cannon ones. Son Goku eventually masters all his official transformations. In order Son Goku masters the Oozaru, Kaioken, False Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan, the Super Saiyan Grades, Super Saiyan Kaio-Ken, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan Three, Golden Oozaru, Super Saiyan 4, Super Full Power Saiyan 4 and Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker. And Goku has all the abilities those forms and the transformations he has are at their best. After Goku masters his mortal Saiyan Biology and Primal Powers their has to be an arc to symbolize how far he has come as he becomes more heroic through his adventures. And to Hammer that point in at the end of that arc Goku needs to lift Thor's Hammer when he eventually proves himself to be Worthy and has all of Thor's powers added to his own. This happens after Son Goku becomes the guy we knew in the original English Dub. Son Goku still keeps all his Saiyan and Super Saiyan abilities like the Oozaru forms, the Zenkai Boost and the various Super Saiyan Transformations and their power boosts Goku has worked to master but has gone even further beyond as Thor's Asgardian/Elder God physiology and Divine Essence ends up merging with Son Goku's mind, body, spirit, and life force. In Dragon Ball Super Goku's new base must have the power he has when he gained God Ki in Dragon Ball Super and also Marvel 616 Thor's physical strength, reflexes, and speed. Son Goku has all the powers of Marvel 616 Thor's powers added to his own including those retconned away. Here is the standard stuff as an example. Goku gets Thor's strength, durability, energy manipulation, ability to survive in deep space, weather manipulation, and Asgardian/Elder God Lifespan. In Asgard Son Goku learns to master his new Asgardian/Elder God powers and eventually develops the Super Saiyan God Forms. This is where Goku gets Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken, and Super Saiyan Blue Perfected and to use Hakai. In the Tournament of Power Goku gets Ultra Instinct -Sign- and Ultra Instinct -Omen- and after the Moro Arc Goku completely masters Ultra Instinct and uses it in his base and with the Super Saiyan transformations. Son Goku gets everything he has officially with a bit of a boost so he can be one of the greatest heroes in Marvel and one of The Avengers, the Fantastic 4 and the X-Men's big guns. Their are a lot of people who can kill Son Goku unless he gets a power boost. Here is an incomplete list of Villains who can kick Goku's butt without even trying if Son Goku does not get stronger. Magneto, Set, Dormammu, Umar, Galactus, Cull the Serpent, Doctor Doom, The Heralds of Galactus, The Dark Phoenix, The Sentry, The Void, Thanos in his base, Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet, The Beyonder, The Celestial's, and The Beyonders. Molecule Man, The Juggernaut at his best, Onslaught, The Red Hulk, The One Below All, Abraxas, The Black Winter, Gorr the God Butcher, Malekith the Accursed, Surtur, Ymir, The Midgard Serpent, Hela, Those Who Sit Above in Shadow, Knull The Symbiote God. The Big Bad of the Shinto Pantheon is one of them. Some of The Olympians, The Titans and The Giants of Greek Myth can also be added to the list. Hades the Greek God and some of his servants can kick his ass as well. A lot of Gods and Cosmic Level threats can wreck him. And that is excluding those with Cosmic Artifacts like the Cosmic Cube or Infinity Gauntlet. Marvel has a lot of super villains that are monsters so Goku needs more power. But to make sure Son Goku is not invincible here are his weaknesses. 1. If Goku delves to deep into his anger he has to run the risk of going into Thor's Warriors Madness. Goku also has the strength boost Thor has in the Warrior's Madness but he can lose control of himself if he digs to deep. It is a double edge sword. 2. Son Goku's tail can be grabbed. 3. Goku still has a limit to the amount of energy he has in his body. Now here are the ideas for Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, and Broly. For Vegeta's character arc, you have to do something similar to what he has been through in canon. For his abilities. Do what I have requested for Goku in terms of his official abilities and longevity but also apply that to Vegeta as Vegeta also gets everything that he has officially. For Raditz, see MasakoX's What if Raditz Turned Good? video series for ideas. For Nappa, see MasakoX's What If Nappa turned Good? video series for ideas. Now for Broly. Broly is his Super Era self and all the powers of his Super Era self. However Broly also gains all of Z Era Broly's powers and those that Z Era Broly had from the video games that do not involve Z Era Broly being mind controlled along with more from Dragon Ball Z which are all scaled to fit Super Era Broly. Here are the games I recommend. Dragon Ball The Raging Blast series, Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Battlers, Dragon Ball Heroes, Dragon Ball Super Heroes, and Dragon Ball Kai: Miracle Battle Card. Broly needs to be a beast because the bad guys will kick Broly's ass without them and Broly will be screwed over by cosmic threats. But to balance it here are Broly's weaknesses. Broly in his Legendary Super Saiyan Form needs to disperse some of his overwhelming power like Kale in Dragon Ball Super other wise it could kill him and he can lose control of himself in his rage and The Wrathful Form causes him pain. And unless Broly learns self control he can potentially destroy reality. For Broly's character development. What planet Broly lands on and what his upbringing is like is up to you. But Broly is a mixture of his Dragon Ball Z, his Dragon Ball Z Abridged and his Dragon Ball Super selves until he gains control. Broly is a soft spoken Gentle Giant and Tarzan like character who likes being around animals. But Broly cannot control his rage or strength. And when Broly gives in to his anger he can runs the risk of turning into the monster his Z Era Self was. But that is because something messed with Broly's head. Then when Broly goes to earth Bruce Banner and The Hulk, Rick Jones, Doc Samson, Betty Ross(Betty Ross gains all the powers and forms she has obtained other the years in Earth 616 and learns to control them to help the good guys), Red Hulk, Jennifer Walters/She Hulk, all help Broly control his strength and anger and heal his shattered psyche and he assimilates his dark side and eventually becomes pure of heart. (See DEATH BATTLE! Hulk VS Broly and MasakoX's What If Broly Turned Good as a template) The Marvelous Monkey King Part 4: Saiyan Parings and The Next Generation. Son Goku being Goku is a bit dense when dealing with anything not involving fighting but especially love. Until Goku learns that he has a harem of women and they all love him and he grows to love them all and keep all his ladies happy. Son Goku falls in love and has kids with these lovely ladies. 1. Chichi. 2. Jean Grey. 3. Brunhilde the original Valkyrie. 4. Black Widow Natasha Romanoff. 5. Jennifer Walters, She Hulk. Vegeta gets to fall in love with and have kids with these gorgeous women, 1. Bulma, 2. Elizabeth 'Betsy' Braddock 3. Hildegard(Asgardian). 4. Electra. Raditz falls in love with and has kids with 1. Launch. 2. Domino. 3. Astrid(Asgardian). 4. Janet Van Dyne the Wasp. 5. Jessica Drew, Spider Woman. Nappa falls in love with and has kids with 1. Mystique. 2. Andromeda Attumasen. 3. Kismet. 4. Sersi. 5. Hela. And for Broly he gets to be with and have kids with 1. Cheelai. 2. Lorelei. 3. Wanda Maximoff. 4. Gamora. 5. Greer Grant/Tigra. 6. Thundra. When Goku, Broly, Nappa, Raditz, and Vegeta have kids, they must father a new generation of powerhouses. The kids must be over the course of the story Half Earthling/Half Saiyans, Half Earthling/Super Saiyans, Super Saiyan Mutants, Super Saiyan Demigods, and Super Saiyan Mutant Demigods. On Earth they must be hated and feared both for the amount of power they have and also being Mutants but they are welcome in Asgard. The Marvelous Monkey King Part 5: The Ending and The Legacy Of Goku. After Goku, Vegeta, Raditz, Nappa, Broly, the strongest of their harems, the strongest Z Fighters, and The Mightiest of The Avengers win the Tournament of Power and eventually put Freiza down for good and destroy Moro the Planet Eater Goku, Raditz, Nappa, Broly, and Vegeta train the Saiyans how to reach and use the Super Saiyan transformations, martial arts, and teach proper Ki control so the Saiyans can defend the universe when they are done and Goku trains Uub to help protect Earth when he is done. After a time skip the events of Dragon Ball GT play out altered except for the regular Dragon Balls having their GT dark side and the final episodes and ending. Dragon Ball GT has to be the Avengers Endgame of the story. A homage to everything before and the grand finale to an era. The team must collect the Black Star Dragon Balls from across the universe because the Pilaf Gang made a wish on them. After the Baby Saga because the cast overused the Earth’s normal Dragon Balls the Shadow Dragons are born and rampage across the Earth and they create a rift connecting Earth to all the various Hell's allowing all the villains that the good guys killed to rampage across the Earth furthering the damages to the planet. Their are also more of Shadow Dragons than in Dragon Ball GT. But at the final battle after Goku and his companions defeat the Shadow Dragons and the returned bad guys Goku has to leave with Shenron to prevent people from relying on him and the Dragon Balls until the Earth can stand on its own. To help Earth evolve Krillin and Tien bring back the Turtle and Crane Houses of Martial Arts and Vegeta also open his own martial arts school. Piccolo goes to Namek to teach his kin his fighting style, his techniques, and trains them to reach his power level. The children of Goku, Broly, Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta, become super heroes and after that they work to better the world. For example Son Gohan becomes The Great Saiyaman and after he retires Goten takes up the mantle of Saiyaman and eventually his father's mantle, The Marvelous Monkey King. When Gohan retires from Super Heroics he writes the Ki Manuel’s from Dragon Ball Online and builds his own martial arts school with all the various techniques and training regiments Gohan and his father learned as it’s teachings to help Earth. Nappa, Raditz, and Vegeta also open their own martial arts school and so do all of Marvel's Martial Artists. When Goku, Shenron, and Earth’s Dragon Balls left the mortal world Goku, Shenron, and the Earth’s Dragon Balls ascend to a higher plane of existence and Son Goku evolved into something more than a Supreme Kai, or a Super Saiyan God. When Son Goku left he also gained all the powers and immortality of Hanuman and Sun Wukong from the actual myths of Hanuman and Sun Wukong along with what Son Goku has earned. To the Earth Son Goku is one of the strongest and most accomplished Super Heroes on Earth. Son Goku served on The Avengers, Fantastic 4, and The X Men. Son Goku is a hero who has shown the human race what can happen if you are good and go beyond your limits and Son Goku is seen as the true spiritual successor of Sun Wukong The Monkey King. To the aliens of his universe Son Goku is Kakarot the youngest son of the Saiyans leader and prophet and one of the Super Saiyans who helped train and reform the Saiyan race. Kakarot is seen as a hero who defeated some of the worst monsters from across the cosmos. Among the Gods and Cosmic Entities, Son Goku is known as one who through hard work achieved a level of Enlightenment, surpassed most Gods, and at the end of his journey became an Immortal and Invulnerable Warrior God who will protect the Universe but only when truly needed. That is the Legacy of Goku. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Is your ax crazy phsycho Hercules based on the Marvel version of Herc, the DC version, or is he just your own creation? |
![]() ![]() ![]() This is one of the best fan fic I've ever read in my entire life and I hope you can update this as soon as possible |
![]() ![]() ![]() Just found this masterpiece hopefully it got update in the future |
![]() ![]() ![]() Just read this story and hoping this isn't the last chapter as I've loved the way you've mad everything intertwine |
![]() ![]() ![]() Sometimes I fear that Diana may become an unstoppable power house with no flaws or weakness, I hope it's just in my head, great chapter, the best one yet |
![]() ![]() ![]() It's just a nitpick of my part, since I know you are following the MCU. But I kinda wanted to see they talking about the adamantium on Steve's shield like in the comics instead of being just vibranium like the movies. Anyway, good chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() It was a lot of fun binging this I hope to see more! |
![]() ![]() Come on give us something new this year |
![]() ![]() ![]() I love this story, I love Avenger of Steel. I was relieved to see your message in Febuary but now as the months keep passing I'm filled with worry again :) If your still alive and I'm worrying over nothing then PLEASE, show us another message in your profile. Let us know how your doing so that our worries can be put to rest. With all the crazy things happening in the world I fear for the safety of others, including you especially. Your one of the few good things in my life, if your... gone... I'll be crushed. :( |
![]() ![]() RE: I have a question for you, will this story ever have a connection with Avengers Knight and Avengers of Steel or will it be a separate story? Maybe that happens when Strange casts the Runes of Kof-Kol in the No Way Home arc. |